




A spray of water

水花飞溅The spray of a waterfall

瀑布的水花 children splashed their way across the river.

孩子们过河时溅起阵阵水花。The fountain throws its silvery spray into the air.

喷泉向天空中喷射出银色的水花。The boat splashed its way up the river.

那条船溅着水花向上游驶去。The waves impinged on the rocks, throwing up pearl-like drops of spray.

海浪冲击着岩石,溅起珠子般的水花。The wave lashed against the rocks, sending up pearly spray

海浪冲击着礁石,飞起像珠子般的'水花。A natural hot spring that intermittently ejects a column of water and steam into the air.

间歇泉间歇向空中喷水花和蒸汽柱的天然温泉Weight is crucial in diving because the aim is to cause the smallest splash possible.

重在跳水运动中至关重要,因为跳水就是要做到尽可能压住水花。A passing but swept through a large puddle by the side of the road and soaked us to the skin.


n. 浪花;水花;喷雾

v. 喷,喷洒;溅

Spray drift is the movement of airborne spray particles

喷雾漂浮就是喷雾微粒在空气中的移动。Fixative spray: Protective spray used on surface of artwork.

固定喷剂:喷在正稿面上的保护喷剂。This is sprayed on or applied to the wart.

这是被喷上的,或者适用于树瘤。Use spray and wipe.

使用喷雾器并擦干。The gunman sprayed the building with bullets.
