



chicken (as food)



They tend to buy cheap processed foods like canned chicken and macaroni.


They have two restaurants that purvey dumplings and chicken noodle soup.


A fiery combination of chicken, chillies and rice.


Leftover chicken makes a wonderful salad.


1. 麻煩你,我想吃牛肉/豬肉/雞肉和飯/面。

I would like to have beef/pork/chicken and rice/noodle, please.

2. 招牌菜式:特色炸蝦餅配甜醬、辣味碎雞肉沙拉、泰式洋葱咖喱炒蟹、酸辣青檸汁蒸鮮魚、泰式炒河粉、香芒糯米飯。

Signature dishes include: Golden fried prawn cake, Spicy chicken salad, Wok fried crab with onion in yellow curry sauce, Steamed fish with fresh lime juice and chilli.

3. 摩爾結帶土耳其或雞肉的巧克力醬,在此不甜食譜。

Mole Rojo for Turkey or Chicken - The chocolate in this sauce recipe is not sweet.

4. 袋裏,掏出了一個雞肉三明治。

He then reached into his pocker and pulled out a chicken sandwich, He looked puzzled for a second

5. 我們今天晚上可以烤雞肉吃,或者吃剩菜。

We can broil chicken on the grill tonight, or we can just eat leftovers.

6. 沃勒克説他太太給巴克買新鮮的牛肉、雞肉和兔子,每天三次帶狗到公園裏散步,每週給狗窩裏的牀墊換兩次牀單。

Mr. Wolak says his wife buys fresh beef, chicken and rabbit for Buck, takes the dog to the park three times a day and puts fresh sheets on the mattress in his kennel twice a week.

7. 我第一次是用雞肉做的,做出來效果還不錯,只是很難把雞胸肉切成很薄的片兒。

The first time I tried this dish was with chicken.

8. 但是我可以不吃雞肉嗎?

But I'll pass on the chicken?

9. 我討厭我的大腿-把雞肉遞過來

I hate my thighs.- Pass the chicken.

10. 我討厭我的大腿-把雞肉遞過來

L hate my thighs.- Pass the chicken.

11. 傳遞雞肉。

Pass the chicken.

12. 好的。您點的是雞肉、烤土豆和一杯牛奶。

Okay. That's the chicken with a baked potato, and a glass of milk.


If you order a chicken sandwich you expect to get a chicken sandwich, right? Well not all chicken sandwiches are created equal.


A recent poultry analysis by CBC Marketplace made an unsettling discovery. According to the report, Subway's chicken was found to contain less than 50 percent chicken DNA.


CBC reported that Subway's oven-roasted chicken contained only 53.6 percent chicken DNA, while its chicken strips were found to have only 42.8 percent chicken DNA. The other major ingredient was soy.


Matt Harnden, a researcher at Trent University's Wildlife Forensic DNA Laboratory, tested six sandwiches from fast food restaurants. The two Subway sandwiches were the worst offenders.


After the report was released, Subway released a statement saying it disagrees with the findings.


"Our chicken strips and oven roasted chicken contain 1 percent or less of soy protein. We use this ingredient in these products as a means to help stabilize the texture and moisture," Subway said in its statement.


Subway also said it will look into the matter and ensure with its supplier that the chicken is meeting the company's standards.
