


(n) strength



He has more science than strength.

他的技巧優於他的氣力。by (main) force

用蠻力, 全靠氣力; 以最大的'力氣 He had little steam left in him after a hard day's work.

"辛苦工作一天後,他幾乎沒有一點氣力了。"Solving the problem calls for efforts.

解決這問題得花些氣力。Great works are performed not by strength but by perseverance.

偉大作品的完成不靠氣力靠毅力。Louise pressed with all the strength of her little hands on the top of the portmanteau

羅茜用盡她所有的氣力壓那隻提包的蓋子。Her violent partisanship was fighting Soames's battle

她的激烈偏袒等於替索米斯賣氣力。Both of the wrestlers tried to tumble the adversary with all their strength.

雙方摔跤運動員都使出了全身氣力想把對手摔倒。I wish singing on the stoop didn't use up so much of a man's wind!

我但願彎着腰唱歌,不費這麼大的氣力才好。"For most people, it takes considerable effort to learn a long poem by heart."


n. 力量;長處;勇氣;強度

Union is strength

團結就是力量Union is strength.

團結就是力量。Maximum crushing strength (=crushing strength at maximum load)

抗壓極限強度The strength of the chain is in the weakest link.

鏈子的承受力在於最薄弱的一環。The moral of the story is that 'Solidarity is strength'.


n. 能量;精力;活力;精神

disintegration energy

蜕變能 triggering energy

觸發能 The energy of motion is called kinetic energy.

運動的能量稱為動能。 wind energy potential

風能潛力 Their power and energy began to disappear.
