英語Learn a Word 第971課say


英語Learn a Word 第971課say

Say, 做為名詞,有發言權的.意思。

"The retired founder still has a lot of say in the company’s future plans," 這個退休的公司創辦人在公司未來發展規劃上還是有很大的發言權。

"The player had no say in his being traded," 這個球員被換給別的隊,自己絲毫沒有發言權。

"The students demanded a bigger say in choosing healthier lunches," 學生們在選擇更健康的午餐方面要求能有很大的發言權。世界銀行提升了中國等新興市場的投票權份額。

"The World Bank decided to give emerging country members a greater say in how the bank is run," 世行決定讓新興成員國在世行運作方面享有更大的發言權。
