




Educated for many years,college students bearexpectations from society as efore,in recent years,society haspaid more and more attention to theentrepreneurship of college thedevelopment of our society and economy,entrepreneurship of college students has become anew g innovative,college students in modern society have the confidenceand desire to challenge the traditional ideas and is such spirit of innovationthat makes college students motivated to establish a business and confident to ing the dream of establishing a business,college students work hard to realize theirideals and prove themselves.

1.越來越受到...的關注:有很多譯法,可以靈活處理,如toattract an increasing attention from…也可譯為befocused on more and more,文中翻譯為 has paid moreand more attention to。

2.揹負着社會的`種種期望:可譯為bear expectations ofsociety。

3.創業:有很多譯法,可以根據不同情況進行選擇,文中譯為establish a business,也可譯為start one's ownenterprise。

4.傳統行業:可譯為traditional professions或traditional industries。

5.成為成功創業的信心基礎:可以理解為“更有信心取得成功”,故譯為be confident to achieve success。

6.懷揣…夢想:可譯為bearing the dream of...,也可譯為having the dream of...,這裏用現在分詞形式作狀語。

7.實現自己的理想:可譯為realize one's ideals,還可用to put one's dream into reality表達。


1. 要注意漢語和英語在主語使用上的差別。漢譯英時,不能完全按照漢語的主語來確定譯文的主語。考生在選擇主語前要充分理解漢語句子,並注意譯文的主謂搭配是否合理。

2. 調整語序。漢語和英語的語序也有同有異,考生在翻譯時要擺脱漢語結構的束縛,適當進行語序的調整,以翻譯出流暢的英文。

3. 重複與省略語言現象的處理。漢語中的重複現象多,而英語中的省略現象多,考生在翻譯時可酌情使用減譯法,用省略或替代的方式來翻譯漢語的重複信息,以使譯文更為地道、更為流暢。


5. 句子結構。漢語強調意合,句子結構比較鬆散,而英語強調形合,句子結構比較緊湊,在漢譯英時,可在保證語法正確的前提下將細碎的漢語短句連接起來,譯為邏輯關係緊密的英語長句。