



  Questions 1 and 2 will be based on the following news item.


A. Most flights are delayed due to bad weather.

B. All US airline controllers are not on duty.

C. Most flights are punctual now.

D. Air travel in Washington got back on track.


A. The lawmakers didn't help them.

B. They took unpaid leave.

C. They are forced by wage reduction.

D. The government blamed them.



Most flights were on schedule, as US air travel got back to normal. This came after a week of growing passenger frustration and airline delays caused by not having enough air traffic controllers on duty. Lawmakers in Washington moved swiftly to solve the problem - and reduce the effect of mandatory spending cuts which had forced 15-hundred air traffic controllers a day to take unpaid leave.

Transportation officials say the shift in funding also will keep 149 air-control towers at smaller airports open. Despite the move restoring full strength to the nation's air traffic control system, both political parties in Congress continue to blame each other for the forced spending cuts.

Q1. What do we know about US air travel?

Q2. What is the direct reason caused air traffic controllers not enough?


1. 答案:C


根據開篇第一句:Most flights were on schedule, as US air travel got back to normal. "航班已經能夠照既定計劃起飛,美國航空重新恢復正常"可知,答案應為C. Most flights are punctual now.(大部分航班現在能夠準點到達);根據後文可知,航班延誤不是因為天氣,所以A選項錯誤;根據airline delays caused by not having enough air traffic controllers on duty.可知,航班延誤是因為沒有足夠的人手,而不是所有人手都失職了,B選項為片面絕對化,排除;D選項注意細節,全文是美國航空恢復正軌,並不僅僅是華盛頓航空迴歸正常,排除。

2. 答案:B


根據Lawmakers in Washington moved swiftly to solve the problem - and reduce the effect of mandatory spending cuts which had forced 15-hundred air traffic controllers a day to take unpaid leave.一句可知,空中交警因為受強制削減開支的影響導致被迫休無薪假期,從而最終導致空中交警不夠。A選項為故意曲解,聽力中是指出立法者在問題出現後立即進行解決,但並不是不幫助導致人手不夠;C選項是間接原因,而非直接原因;D選項為無中生有。