


1.健康点 to become healthy

保持体态 to get fit

2.减肥 to lose weight

增重 to gain weight

增强肌肉 to build muscle

3.塑身 to shape your body

眼睛吃冰淇淋 to watch nice bodies

交朋友 to make friends

打屁 to chat

4.健身中心 fitness center

5.健身俱乐部:health club

6.健身教练 trainer

7.运动鞋 sneaker

置物柜 locker

8.入会费 membership fee

参加 (健身课程) to enroll in

9.局部瘦身 spot reduction

spot (n.): 部位

reduction (n.):减少

10.脂防 fat

消除脂肪:to reduce the fat / to get rid of the fat

低脂饮食:low-fat diet

I work out every day in order to increase the muscle in my chest and arms and get rid of the fat around my waist.


体适能 fitness


体态刚刚好的 fit

匀称漂亮的 trim

强壮的 strong

肌肉发达的 muscular

材瘦如骨的 skinny

苗条的 slim

胖的 fat

(肌肉)松软 垮垮的 flabby

圆胖的 chubby

玲珑有致的身材 a nice hour-glass figure

hour-glass (n.):沙漏

for Power Walking

(1. Walk at a brisk pace so that you begin to break a sweat. (First 10 minutes)

(2. Increase your stride length. (Second 10 minutes)

(3. Do walking sprints for one minute and then ease down to a comfortable pace for the next minute, alternating between high and low intensity. (Third 10 minutes)


(1. ( 开始的十分钟 ):轻快的走路,好让你开始流汗。

(2. ( 紧接的十分钟 ):加大你的步伐。

(3. ( 最后的十分钟 ):快走一分钟,接下来的一分钟,把步伐放慢到比较舒服的速度,两者不断地交替。

13. 把腿伸出去:to extend your leg

往前弯 : to bend forward

把腿放在板凳上:to prop your leg up on the bench

换另一边: to switch to the other side

蹲:to squat


Perform/Do three sets of 8 to 12 reps.

rep:重复 ( repetition的缩写 )