《What do you like》教案設計及反思

做好教學方案,是每個教師正常開展教學活動的重要保障,下面本站小編為大家帶來《What do you like》教案及反思,希望對你有所幫助!想了解更多相關資訊請持續關注我們應屆畢業生考試網!

《What do you like》教案設計及反思




What do you like?

(2)學習句型:Does Lin Tao like bananas/eggs/bread/meat? Yes, he does. / No, he doesn’t.






Does he/she like ___?

Yes, he/she does. No, he/she doesn’t.


Step 1 Revision

1 Revise What do you like? What does he/she like? by selecting several pairs to present their dialogue from SB Page 41, Lesson 97.

2 Ask several students to tell about Li Shan and her family.

3 Check the students' dialogues about what they and their families like to eat.

Step 2 Presentation

1 Revise the names of food, using flashcards.

2 Make a chart like the one in WB Lesson 97, Ex.3. Use the names in SB Page 42, Part 1. Ask Does he /she like …? Help the students to answer the questions, Yes, he / she does. or No, he / she doesn't. Then in pairs, have the students ask each other the questions and answers. They can use the answers in the form for help.

Step 3 Read and talk

SB Page 42, Part 1. Students read the form to their partner. Ask some questions about one of the characters such as, Does Li Ming like milk? Ask the students to look at the chart and help them to answer Yes, he does. / No, he doesn't. etc. Now have the students work in pairs, asking and answering questions about Lin Tao, Fang Lei, etc.

Step 4 Read and answer

Culture note: What is typical American food? There isn't any! Since Americans come from many different ethnic backgrounds, there are many different tastes. For example, an American family might eat Italian food one night, Mexican food the next and Chinese food on another night. Just as in America, there is also a great variety of food found in Great Britain. However, the British tend to like to eat more Indian food than the Americans.

1、SB Page 42, Part 2. Books closed! Ask What do you think American students like to eat? What do you think British students like to eat? etc. Write the answers on the Bb. Teach restaurant. Say, Little Val likes to eat in a restaurant. Ask Why does he like to eat in a restaurant? Open your books and let's scan for the information in Part 2. Give the students one minute to find the answer. (Because he likes the toys.) Check the answer.

2、Speech Cassette Lesson 98. Books still closed. Play the tape, students listen. Now ask comprehension questions at the end of the reading. Teach often and well. Books open, play the tape again while the students read and repeat.

3、In pairs, have the students practise reading aloud. Have student A read, while student B listens and then switch. Be sure to walk around and give help with pronunciation, intonation and rhythm as needed. Be sure the /J/ of they and the is pronounced correctly, (there should be no /s/ or /d/ sound)。 Check yourself. As an English teacher, you need to be careful of your own pronunciation. Make sure your pronunciation of /J/ is correct.

4、Get the students to ask each other the questions about the passage.

Step 5 Ask and answer

In pairs, have the students ask and answer questions about the people in the chart. Then you may ask the class questions at a quicker pace.

Step 6 Game

Tell the students in Chinese that you have a friend who only likes food that contains a certain letter. The students must find out the secret letter. (e.g. your friend only likes food that contains the letter a, so he / she likes apples, pears, bananas, oranges, meat and bread, etc. He / She doesn't like eggs, rice or milk, etc.) Say He / She likes apples, but doesn't like eggs. Get the students to ask Does he / she like …? until they guess the letter. Repeat with other letters. If there is time, talk about clothing, colours, etc. as well as food.

Step 7 Workbook

SB Page 120, Wb Lesson 98, Exx. 1-3. Ex. 2 helps students grasp the basic structures of the Simple Present Tense. It can develop students' accuracy in using the language.

For Ex. 1, divide the class into groups of four. Each student asks the other three students in his/her group about their likes and dislikes. They should write down their answers in the form. Finally, you may call out some students to report to the whole class. Help the students to answer like Zhuang Hua likes meat. She doesn't like potatoes, etc.

Students should give their own answers to the questions in Ex. 3. Encourage them to think up more questions. Ex. 4 — a tongue twister is optional.


Finish off the Workbook exercises.

  【《What do you like》教學反思】

本課是任務型教學的一個很典型的例子,同學之間相互採訪,瞭解各自喜歡的食品並填寫表格。我通過創設情景,幫助學生理解和使用 What do you like?及What don't you like?這個句型。採訪這個活動設計得很好,充分體現了新課標的精神,讓學生用所學的英語做事情。這個活動既給了學生展示自我的空間,又增強了學生之間的友誼。歌曲的教學體現了英語與音樂學科的相互滲透,使學生在音樂中體驗到學習英語的樂趣。

1、構建和諧民主的師生關係,達到情感互動。 建立民主的師生關係, 營造愉悅、 寬鬆的課堂氣氛, 讓學生樂於參與教學活動。 在教學中,教師以自己對學生良好的情感去感化學生,去引發學生的積極情感反應,使英語課堂開創出學生敢於開口、樂於表現、活潑向上的新局面。

2、抓住特徵,促進心理、生理互動。 抓住國小生的好奇、好動、好強心理、生理特徵,引導學生主動參與教學活 動。為此,教師在教學中要多創設活動情景,利用多種活動形式,調動學生的.各個器官的參與,以吸引國小生的注意力。“爭強好勝”是國小生的共同特點。在課堂教學中,組織學生開展競賽、合作學習等活動,給學生製造“表現”自我的機 會,得到同學和老師的認可,且能有效地增強他們的自信心、成功感。


①巧玩遊戲 玩中有學,學中有玩。愛玩是孩子的本性。如果在課堂上還是採用單一,死 板的方法,根本不能適應兒童發展。所以在平時的課堂教學中上我使用了很多的孩子們喜歡的遊戲,而且將遊戲巧妙的貫穿於整個課堂,充分調動了學生的積極 性,使學生始終處於興奮狀態。使機械、呆板的學習過程變得愉快、生動,烘托 了課堂的氣氛, 使學生在輕鬆、 愉快的氣氛中獲得了知識, 並感受到學習的樂趣。 如通過 Magic eyes、 guessing games 等遊戲,不僅可以讓學生盡情投入到遊戲 中,還可以減輕學生的心理壓力和負擔,給學生一個輕鬆和諧的語言環境,也使 得課堂充滿活力。

②巧設情景 由於客觀條件的限制,學生們缺乏英語語言環境,在課外學生很少有聽、 說的機會,所以我就多給學生提供“習得”的機會,在課堂上創設情景,讓學生 在真實環境中習得語言。因此,我設計了在餐廳裡,服務員詢問客人的情景。我還讓學生們先來爭當“服務員”,條件是:誰把“What do you like?What don't you like?”讀得最有禮貌,就誰當。 這樣孩子們在歌聲和笑聲中不知不覺的掌握了單詞及句型,一點兒也不覺得枯燥和厭煩。課堂不再是過去的你教我讀,而是讓孩子們在情景中輕鬆地掌握英語知識。