
Once you have decided to move on from your current position, the professional thing to do is submit a letter of resignation. Your resignation letter will ease the transition over the next two weeks at the job, and will also help you maintain a positive relationship with your employer even after you are no longer with the company. 當你決定要辭掉當前的工作了,那麼該做的體現專業態度的事情就是提交辭職信了。提交辭職信的好處在於緩解辭職的過渡期,並且能與僱主保持一段良好的關係,即使你不再是那間公司的員工了。


How to Write a Resignation Letter辭職信該怎麼寫

When writing a resignation letter, it's important to keep it as simple, brief, and focused as possible.在撰寫辭職信的時候,最重要符合三個要點:簡潔,精煉,突出重點。

The letter should also be positive. If you have made the decision to move on, there's no point in criticizing your employer or your job.並且辭職信也必須是正面。如果你已經決定要往前走了,那你也沒有必要對前任僱主或工作多作批評了。

Your letter of resignation should include information on when you are leaving. You can also let the employer know you appreciate your time with the company. If you're not sure what to write, review resignation letter samples to get ideas for how to structure and word your letter.辭職信的內容必須清楚寫明離職的時間。同時,你也可以讓僱主瞭解你很珍惜在這家公司工作的時間。如果你還不確定辭職信的內容該寫什麼,不妨參考一些辭職信模板以獲取撰寫辭職信的靈感。

What to Include in Your Resignation Letter辭職信該包含哪些內容

The fact that you are leaving and date when your resignation is effective.離職的意願和離職的日期是最重要的。

A thank you to your employer for the opportunities you have had during your employment.感謝老闆在你的任期內為你提供的工作機會。

It's usually better to resign in person, and then follow up with a formal resignation letter. However, if you need to send a resignation email, write it as professionally as you would a resignation letter on paper.通常情況下,最好當面親自提出辭職申請,隨後補上一封正式的辭職信。然後,如果你需要通過電子郵箱傳送辭職申請,那就儘可能按照書面的形式把郵件撰寫得專業恰當。

Regardless of why you are resigning or how you feel about it, if you mention the reason you are leaving, make sure that you do not include anything negative or disparaging about the company, your supervisor, your co-workers, or your subordinates.無論你的`辭職原因是什麼,或者你對辭職抱有什麼個人感情,如果你在辭職信中提到了辭職的理由,請切記不要帶有任何負面的或對於公司、上司、同事或下屬的輕蔑語氣的言論。

This letter will be included in your employment file and could be shared with potential future employers; therefore, it should be professional and polite.因為辭職信將會存入你的求職檔案,並且很有可能傳遞給你的潛在未來僱主手上,因此,這封辭職信必須是專業且有禮貌的。

Resignation Letter Writing Tips辭職信撰寫小貼士

Although under some circumstances, such as a cross-country move or a decision to focus on parenting, it may make sense to disclose the reason for your resignation, in many cases sharing the details about why you are resigning is not necessary.儘管在某些情況下,比如橫穿全國的移居或決定全心照顧小孩,這些辭職理由寫到辭職信裡也是沒有問題的。不過很多情況下把辭職的原因細節詳細交代也是不必的。

In general, keeping your resignation letter brief and to the point is advantageous. While it's not required, offering to help during the transitional period and weeks following is generally appreciated.一般來說,保持辭職信言簡意賅就是最合適的。另外,儘管這不是必須的,但是主動提供過渡期的幫助也是很令人欣賞的舉動。

To make sure your resignation letter contains all the right details, and none of the wrong information, review these resignation letter writing tips before you submit your resignation.請確保你的辭職信包含的所有細節準確無誤。在遞交辭職信前,先根據下面這些要點,檢查一遍你的辭職信吧。

Guidelines for Writing and Formatting Your Letter辭職信的撰寫及格式要領

Resignation Letter Length: 辭職信的篇幅:

Keep your letter of resignation concise; you do not want to write pages and pages about your new job or why you dislike your current one. Most resignation letters are no more than one typed page.保持辭職信簡潔明瞭,因為你不必用多頁贅述你的新工作或你不喜歡當前職位的原因。大多數的辭職信篇幅都不會多於一張列印紙的篇幅。

Font and Size:字型和大小:

Use a traditional font such as Times New Roman, Arial, or Calibri. Your font size should be between 10 and 12 points.儘可能使用經典預設的字型,比如Times New Roman, Arial, Calibri.字型的大小一般在10-12之間。


A resignation letter should be single-spaced with a space between each paragraph. Use about 1" margins and align your text to the left (the alignment for most business documents).辭職信的段與段之間應保持一行的空間,設定1倍行距並向左對齊(也就是大多數商務檔案的對齊格式)。


Be sure to edit your resignation letter before mailing it. Show your resignation letter to a career counselor or ask a friend to review it if you want someone else to check it over for you.請記得在寄送信件前仔細編輯一番你的辭職信。如果你希望別人幫忙檢查你的信件,可以把它拿給職業諮詢專家或朋友看看。

Email or Mail?電子郵件還是郵寄?

It is always best to resign in person, and then follow up by sending a letter of resignation. However, if circumstances do not allow you to speak to your manager in person and you need to let them know right away, you can send a resignation email. This email should follow the same guidelines as a formal resignation letter.當然,最好的方式就是親自辭職,然後補上一封書面辭職信。不過,當實際情況不允許你與經理當面交談時,你也得馬上讓他們瞭解情況,此時就可以寄一封電子郵件。郵件的內容也可以參照正式的辭職信格式。