


catch a glimpse of

get a peep of



take a glimpse at


Pug spied Harry Hopkins slouching alone in a gray suit by himself.

帕格瞥見哈里·霍普金斯穿著一身灰色衣服,獨自一個人沒精打采地走過去。We can catch a glimpse of the downtown districts.

我們可以瞥見市區。Catch sight/a glimpse of sb/sth; see sb/sth for a moment

一眼瞥見某人[某事物She glimpsed a group of people standing on the bank of a river.

她瞥見一群人站在河岸上。Helen let out a shrill cry when she caught sight of a snake.

"海倫瞥見一條蛇,尖聲喊叫起來。"I glimpsed a figure at the end of the passage.

我瞥見過道盡頭有個人影。You've only seen a peep through the curtain.

你還只是隔著簾子瞥見一眼罷了。Between poplars we caught glimpses of mechanical cotton - pickers inching their way through the fields.

從白楊樹之間我們瞥見摘棉機在地裡徐徐前進。We glimpsed the profile of the church steeple against the last glow of the sunset.

我們瞥見在最後的晚霞的襯托下的教堂尖頂。piggy opened his mouth to speak, caught Jack's eye and shut it again


v. 抓住;捕獲;撞見;趕上;感染;鉤住;引起;理解;描繪;當接球手;燃燒

n. 抓住;捕獲量;鎖鉤;隱患,陷阱;拋接球遊戲;如意伴侶

adj. 使人感興趣的;令人容易上當的

Catch as catch can.

能抓儘管抓(能拿多少算多少)。Colds are catching.

感冒是有傳染性的。 The cobweb pretends to catch dewdrops and catches flies


n. 一瞥,一看;顯現,少許;模糊的感覺;一閃

v. 看一眼,一瞥;隱約出現;閃爍

There was a glimpse of truth in what he said.

他的話中微露了一點事實真相。But then he glimpsed a shining object on the ground.

不過那時他看了一眼在地上發光的物體。 She glimpsed a group of people standing on the bank of a river.


v. 得到;抓住;獲得;受到(懲罰);說服;到達,來;變得,變成;設法;開始

n. 幼獸;生殖

Get to the bottom of

弄個水落石出Saving is getting

節約等於收入It was getting dark.
