


to memorize by rote


By rote


v. 記住,背熟;儲存,記憶

The smoothness of the flight was memorable.

這次順利的飛行令人難忘。Many a quadrille table was spoiled that memorable evening

在這個令人難忘的夜晚,多少張牌桌給耽擱了。The film was memorable for the fine acting of the two main characters.

這部電影因為兩位主角的精湛演技而令人難忘。Do not read to memorize, that is a

讀書不是為了記住什麼,那是電腦硬碟的工作; Memorizing an entire speech is not recommended because you may forget lines or become flustered.


n. 死記硬背

They did not, as we tend to assume, teach by rote

它們並非像我們往往認為的那樣要求學生死記硬背。His poor method of learning by rote made him unable to deal with the problems in his work flexibly.

他死記硬背的'學習方法使他在工作中不能靈活處理問題。He was bewildered by the entrance of science and technology into his realm where rote had ruled so long

科學技術改變了他久已習慣的程式和方法,這使他感到很迷惘。Foreign technology plays a correspondingly dominant rote in the leading edge developments of China's industrial growth

同樣地,外國技術在中國工業增長的前沿發展中起了佔支配地位的作用。We are still unable to refrain from abstract formulas which we have learned by rote
