


on earth; worldly


This is paradise on earth.

這是世上的極樂。No living man all things can

世上無全能Nothing in the world is flawless and perfect.

世上沒有十全十美的東西。The most unfortunate people in the world are those who have never discovered how satisfying it is to read good books.

世上最不幸的人就是那些從未體會過閱讀坐作所帶來快樂的人。He was a mere child in the world, but he didn't cry for the moon.

他在這世上只不過是一個小孩子罷了,可是,他沒有哭著要月亮。Cush also begot nimrod who was the first man of might on earth

卡什還生了尼姆羅德,尼姆羅德是世上第一個力大無窮的`人。An earthly paradise

世上樂園Kind words are the music of the world

善言是世上的音樂There is no medicine against death

世上沒有不老藥Rare as the phoenix.


n. 地球,世界,陸地,地面,土;獸穴

v. 把(電線)接地;埋入土中;躲入洞內

This is paradise on earth.

這是世上的極樂。pit in the earth

地下的洞穴 to earth a body

埋葬一具屍體The rabbit earthed.

兔子躲進了洞穴。Is this plug earthed?


adj. 世上的,塵世的,老於世故的

Do not surfeit in worldly enjoyments.

不要沉溺於世俗的享樂。All worldly distinctions have ceased.

一切世俗的分歧都消失了。Worldly concerns,distractions,preoccupations,etc

世俗的心思、樂趣、慾念等 plastic bag contained all his worldly goods.

這塑料袋裡裝著他的全部家當。This family practises frugality and avoids worldly exhibit.
