


灰色qu域措施 grey area measures

WTO最不發達國家高級別會議 HLM (WTO High-levelMeeting for LDCs)

協調製度(商品名稱及編碼協調製度)HS (HarmonizedCommodity and Coding System)

進口許可 import licensing

進口滲透 import penetration

最初談判權(初談權)INRs(Initial Negotiating Rights)

智慧財產權 IPRs(Intellectual property rights)

最不發達國家 LDCs(Least-developed countries)

當地含量 local content

市場準入 market access

專門的營銷機構 market boards

(服務貿易)自然人 natural person

國民待遇 national treatment

(利益的)喪失和減損 nullification and impairment

(爭端解決)專家組 panel

(《農業協議》中關於反補貼的)和平條款 peace clause

諸邊協議 plurilateral agreement

(服務貿易)自然人流動 presence of natural person

生產補貼 production subsidy

消費膨脹 inflated consumption

慢性蕭條 chronic depression

進口環節稅 import linkage tax

北美自由貿易區 NAFTA (North American Free Trade Area)

全球配額 global quota

祖父條款 grandfather clause

貿易和投資自由化和便利化 TILF(Trade and Investment Liberalization and Facilitation)

國際清算 international settlement

橫向兼併 horizontal merger

垂直兼併 vertical merger

垃圾融資 junk financing

申報制度 reporting system; income declaration system

市場準人的行政管理措施 AAMA(Administrative Aspects of Market Access)