


  1. Pool,常取其“匯”之意,有時用法和 channel 接近


They pooled their money to buy a house.



Second, we will help people to pool their ideas and talents through a synergy of business startups, innovation, and the Internet Plus.


We will draw on the Chinese Dream and socialism with Chinese characteristics to build consensus and pool strength, nurture and practice the core socialist values, and make greater efforts to foster patriotism.

  2. Stand by ,除了 maintain,pursue 和 uphold 之外,另一個表示“堅持” 的詞

If you stand by an earlier decision, promise, or statement, you continue to support it or keep it. 堅持 (原有的決定、承諾或宣告)


The decision has been made and I have got to stand by it.



We firmly stand by our sovereignty and rights and interests in the South China Sea


China and ASEAN have established a wide-ranging, multi-tiered and comprehensive pattern for good-neighbourliness, friendship and cooperation as well as a community of shared destinies, where we stand by each other in both the good and bad times

  3. Enduring ,持久的,長久的,在大國關係和國家政策、個人發展等語境中都會經常用到。

This chance meeting was the start of an enduring friendship.這次偶然的相遇是一段持久友情的開始。


make the Asian dream of enduring peace and common prosperity come true


A sound fiscal and taxation system is an institutional necessity if we are to optimize the allocation of resources, safeguard a unified market, promote social fairness, and ensure the enduring peace and stability of the country.


To gain a strong foothold in the strong tide of competition, claim the advantage in an ultra-competitive environment in which the weak are left behind, and make a difference through a lifetime of serving the motherland and people, workers must rely on tireless learning and an enduring commitment to work.

  4. Sound 除了聲音之外還有“健康的,強壯的;正常的;健全的” 等意思,因為這類詞都是滿滿的積極意義,所以時政公文漢譯英常會用到。

簡單來說,可以用 good 的地方有時候都可以用 sound (不絕對).


China’s basic national conditions dictate that development still holds the key to solving all of China’s problems. Based on this realization, we must continue to regard economic development as our central task and make efforts to promote China’ssound and sustainable economic and social development.


Reform requires sound planning and execution.


Progress smoothly and yield sound results


Strengthen nuclear emergency management and ensure that nuclear energy has always maintained a sound safety record.