
秋天的懷念 Fond Memories of Autumn


史鐵生 ByShi Tiesheng

雙腿癱瘓後,我的脾氣變得暴怒無常。望着望着天上北歸的雁陣,我會突然把面前的玻璃砸碎;聽着聽着李谷一甜美的歌聲,我會猛地把手邊的東西摔向四周的牆壁。母親就悄悄的躲出去,在我看不見的地方偷偷地聽着我的動靜。當一切恢復沉寂,她又悄悄地進來,眼邊紅紅的,看着我。When my legs were paralyzed, my temper became out of control. Looking at the wild geese flying back north in the sky, I would suddenly smash the window glass in front of me. Listening to the sweet songs sang by Li Guyi, I would thrust everything in hands into surrounding walls. Mother then hid herself quietly, watching my behavior out of my view secretly. Until everything turned still, she came in again quietly, watching me with her sad eyes.

“聽說北海的花兒都開了,我推着你去走走。”她總是這麼說。母親喜歡花,可自從我的腿癱瘓後,她侍弄的那些花都死了。 “I’ve heard that all flowers are in blossom in Beihai, let me push you to have a look.” She always (used to say)said that to me. Mother loves flowers, but since my legs broken, the flowers grown by her all withered.

“不,我不去!”我狠命地捶打着兩條可恨的腿,喊着,“我活着有什麼勁!”母親撲過來抓住我的手,忍住哭聲說:“咱孃兒倆在一塊兒,好好兒活,好好兒活……” “No, I don’t want to go.” I beat my cursed legs desperately, shouting, “What I am still living for?” Mother rushed to grasp my hands, inhibiting crying,(saying between subdued sobs) “We two are together and live a good life, live a happy life…”

可我卻一直都不知道,她的病已經到了那步田地。後來妹妹告訴我,她常常肝疼得整宿整宿翻來覆去地睡不了覺。I never aware that her illness cannot became even worse. Afterwards, Sister told me, Mother often could not fall asleep for the whole night for her liver aching seriously( with pains in liver).

那天我又獨自坐在屋裏,看着窗外的樹葉唰唰啦啦的飄落。母親進來了,擋在窗前:“北海的菊花開了,我推着你去看看吧。”她憔悴的臉上現出央求般的'神色。Another day, I stayed at home alone again, witnessing outer leaves following(watching the rustling fall of autumn leaves through the windows). Then, Mother came in, standing at the window, “The chrysanthemums in Beihai are blossoming. Let me take you there for a visit.” The pleading look showed on her haggard face.

“什麼時候?”“你要是願意,就明天?”她說。我的回答已經讓她喜出望外了。“好吧,就明天。”我說。她高興得一會兒坐,一會站起:“那就趕緊準備準備。” “When?” “If you’d like, tomorrow is ok?” She felt surprised and excited. “Ok, just tomorrow.” She turned so delighted that she didn’t know whether to sit or stand. “Let’s prepare at once.”

“誒呀,煩不煩?幾步路,有什麼好準備的!”她也笑了,坐在我身邊,絮絮叨叨地說着:“看完菊花,咱們就去‘仿膳’,你小時候最愛吃那兒得豌豆黃兒。還記得那回我帶你去北海嗎?你偏說那楊樹花是毛毛蟲,跑着,一腳踩扁一個……”她忽然不說了。對於“跑”和“踩”一類的字眼兒,她比我還敏感。她又悄悄地出去了。 “Oh, what a bore! It’s very near, and do we need to get ready?” We both burst into laughing and she sat beside me, murmuring, “Afterwards, we’ll go to Fang Shan Restaurant. When you were young, you liked puree peas best. Do you still remember our last tour to Beihai? You insisted that the poplar flowers be worms and ran to stamp on them one by one…” Suddenly, she broke off. She was more sensitive to words like “run” and “stamp” than I was.

她出去了,就再也沒回來。She came out , but never returned.

鄰居們把她擡上車時,她還在大口大口地吐着鮮血。我沒想到她已經病成那樣。看着三輪車遠去,也絕沒有想到那竟是永遠的訣別。She was still vomiting blood when neighbors carried her onto cart. I never thought she was so seriously ill. I never thought that was the eternal departure, watching the three-wheel leaving far and far.

鄰居的小夥子揹着我去看她的時候,她正艱難地呼吸着,像她那一生艱難的生活。別人告訴我,她昏迷前的最後一句話是:“我那個有病的兒子和我那個還未成年的女兒……”The young man next door carried me on his back to see her. She was striving to grasp her last breath, just like her entire hard life. I was told that her last words were: “I have a paralyzed son and an unmarried daughter.”

又是秋天,妹妹推我去北海看了菊花。黃色的花淡雅,白色的花高潔,紫紅色的花熱烈而深沉,潑潑灑灑,秋風中正開得爛漫。我懂得母親沒有說完的話。妹妹也懂。我倆在一塊兒,要好好生活……It’s autumn again, Sister wheeled me to Beihai to see the chrysanthemums. The yellow ones showed simple and elegant; the white ones, pure and noble; the purple ones, warm and deep; all were in full blossom in the autumn breeze. I totally understand Mother’s unfinished words. So does Sister. We both live together for a happy life…