



參考例句:the phonology of English.

英語語音體系immutability of phonetic

語音規律的不變性A primitive unit of auditory speech in a given language

一特定語言的語音基本單位。It's an exzample of speech assimilation to pronounce "grandma" as"grammar".

把“grandma”讀成“grammar”是語音同化的一個例證。Swedish/Finnish (Phone) dict order, case-ins., uppercase pref.

瑞典/芬蘭(語音)字典順序,不區分大小寫,大寫優先。 Will there be a good pronunciation , you must learn phonology with being aware of

要有一個好的發音,你必須自覺地學習語音。His ears were still attuned to the sounds of the London suburb.

他的耳朵對倫敦郊區的語音仍然一聽就能辨別。I won't try to pronounce their names because my speech synthesizer makes a mess of them.

我就不說它們的名字了,因爲我的語音合成器會把它們弄亂的。and in secretarial services now dominated by word processing, faxes, and voice and electronic mail

以及目前由文字處理、電傳及語音郵件和電子郵件占主導地位的.祕書處服務。Audio file


n. 嗓音,聲音;發言權;願望;(動詞的)語態

v. 表達,吐露

The voice of the people is the voice of God

防民之口,甚於防川To produce with the voice.

用嗓音發用嗓子產生 register of voice

嗓音聲區 The voice of one man is the voice of no one

一個人的聲音是沒有力量的Curious to relate, the giraffe has no voice.
