
  1. It’s a good job.


(1) 表示幸運或運氣好,意爲:還算幸運! 這也算幸運! 如:

Who would have thought it would turn to rain, aftersuch a bright start to the day? It’s a good jobwe brought our raincoats. 清早晴空萬里,誰料竟會下起雨來? 幸好我們都帶了雨衣。

It’s a good job you didn’t tell me that bad newslast night, because I would have been tooworried to sleep. 幸好你昨晚沒有把這個壞消息告訴我,不然我會擔心得都睡不着覺。

有時也說 It’s a good thing. 或只說 a good job. 如:

He’s gone, and a good job, too. 他走了,走了也好。

(2) 表示同意或稱讚(通常只說成 Good job, too),意爲:幹得好! 事情辦得好! 如:

A:Mum, I’ve got my money back from the shop. 媽媽,我已向店鋪把錢要回來了。

B:Good job, too! 幹得好!

A:I didn’t tell her the news. 我沒有告訴她這消息。

B:Good job, too! 對,不要告訴她。

  2. It’s [That’s] just the job.


A:A cup of tea? 要來一杯茶嗎?

B:Oh,that’s just the job. I’m really thirsty. 啊,我正想要喝一杯,我可真的'是渴了。

A:How about this one? 這個怎麼樣?

B:It’s just the job. 這正是我要的。


If he could possibly come with us, it really wouldbe just the job. 要是他能同我們一起去,那可真是求之不得。

Thank you for that screw. That was just the job. 謝謝你給我的那個螺絲,那正是我所需要的。