



比如,在商店裏,收款員找錯了錢,你可以說: "Excuse me, I think you’ve given me the wrong change" 或者 "Sorry, I think this change is wrong. I gave you $20, not $10."

在酒店裏房間的調溫器壞了:"Excuse me, but there’s a problem with the heating in my room." "Sorry to bother you, but I think there’s something wrong with the air-conditioning."

失竊了: I’m afraid I have to make a complaint. Some money has gone missing from my hotel room."

房間沒有整理:"I’m afraid there’s a slight problem with my room - the bed hasn’t been made."


比如對應上面對調溫器的投訴:"Excuse me, but there’s a problem with the heating."

或者 "I’m sorry - I’ll get someone to check it for you."

或者 "Sorry to hear that - I’ll send someone up."