


英 [ˈθredbeə(r)] 美 [ˈθredber]

threadbare 基本解釋

形容詞 陳舊的; (衣服等)穿舊的; (衣料等)磨得很薄的'; 老一套的


1. The children wear threadbare clothes and use poor stationeries so as not to ask their families for money to buy new ones.

2. He transcribed the history of ancient dynasties from threadbare books into his computer.

3. He scaled down his lifestyle to a minimum -- taking buses and subways, cooking his own meals, living in tiny, threadbare Beijing apartments -- all the while rejected for grant money because of his lack of an academic research pedigree.

4. A threadbare patch of Brussels carpet covered the centre of the room, and formed an oasis of roses and lilies upon a desert of faded green drugget.


1. He looked like all the tramps who came to our house from the hobo camp by the river during the Great Depression. His shaggy hair hung below a shapeless hat, and his threadbare shirt and trousers had been rained on and slept in.


2. As the old man stares down at the threadbare carpet, a mangy dog chews at scraps under the kitchen sink


3. Holes have not only appeared in the bank's accounts; its initial version of events is also looking threadbare.


4. I use my clothes and shoes until they are threadbare.


5. Most of these connections would be pretty threadbare.
