


  蛤蜊湯的英文翻譯:Clams soup

1. 我知道你喜歡海鮮蛤蜊湯,因爲你喜歡`椰林飄香`。

N 包博故意逗她:I know you like Clam Chowder, because you like Pina Colada.

2. 我知道你喜歡海鮮蛤蜊湯,因爲你喜歡`椰林飄香`。

L* p0 s+ o; n7 r 包博故意逗她:I know you like Clam Chowder, because you like Pina Colada.

3. 我還要蛤蜊湯。

I also want clam chowder.

4. 此外,蛤蜊湯、青椒肉絲、涼拌蔬菜、芝麻、草莓等食物含有豐富的蛋白質及適度的.熱量,能保護並強化肝臟,不妨多吃一些。

In addition, clam soup, green pepper Rousi, Liangban vegetables, sesame seeds, strawberries and other foods rich in protein and moderate heat, to protect and strengthen the liver, some may wish to eat.

5. 然後,你來到廚房,煮一鍋鮮美清淡的蛤蜊絲瓜湯。

And, you came to the kitchen, boiling a pot of clam U. S. light sponge gourd soup.

  紫菜湯的英文翻譯:Seaweed soup

1. 今天,阿芳做了蓮藕,回鍋肉,還有紫菜雞蛋湯。

Today, A Fang cooked lotus root, double-fried pork and egg soup with laver.

2. 我們有酸辣湯和紫菜湯。

We've got hot and sour soup and seaweed soup.

3. 提醒各位下次小心留意如果您想要烹調紫菜湯的時候!

Pls alert if you want to cook your seaweed soup next time.

4. 南韓獲准向太空運送他們的國菜,這樣,宇航員們很快就可以吃到紫菜湯和蒜香肉了。

Astronauts could soon be eating seaweed soup and spicy, garlic-laden meat dishes after South Korea won approval to send several national dishes into space.

5. 韓國獲得將一些菜餚送入太空的允許後,宇航員很快就可以喝上紫菜湯和拌八爪魚

Astronauts could soon be eating seaweed soup and spicy, garlic-laden meat dishes after South Korea won approval to send several national dishes into space

6. 今天他給我們做了辣蝦、炸雞腿、蘑菇炒肉、清炒白菜、紫菜湯。

Today he gave us spicy shrimp, Fried chicken legs, mushroom fry meat, stir-fried cabbage, laver soup.

  酸辣湯的英文翻譯:Hot and sour soup

1. I thought I got custody of this place.- I like their hot and sour soup.


2. G: Hot and sour soup, please, and that`s enough for me.


3. I like hot and sour soup a lot but I guess I like bean curd better.


4. One side of hot and sour soup is only about 100 calories and 4 grams of fat.


5. Bean curd with pepper and chilli sauce, and hot and sour soup. Am I right, sir?


6. It tell you how to cook the Sour and Hot Fish Soup.
