
1.I never admit defeat. However, on an unrelated topic, I’m never getting off this bed again.我從不認栽。但是,從另一個方面講,我再也擡不起頭做人了。


’s a false equivalency. More does not equal merry. If there were two thousand people in this apartment right now, would be we celebrating? No! We’d be suffocating!這是個錯誤的對等關係。人多不等於樂趣多。如果這公寓裏現在有兩千人那我們會很開心嗎?不,我們會窒息而死。

arch Journal, Entry One. I’m about to embark on one of the great challenges of my scientific career – teaching Penny physics. I’m calling it Project Gorilla.實驗日誌,第一篇。我準備開展科學生涯中的巨大挑戰之一教佩妮物理學。我稱之爲大猩猩工程

. That’s college rules. I hope that’s not too intimidating.給,這是大學規定。希望沒嚇着你。

's no reason to cry. One cries because one is sad. For example, I cry because others are stupid and that makes me sad.那也沒理由哭啊。人只有悲傷的時候才該哭。比如說,其他人都太蠢,我感到悲傷所以我才哭。

, on the contrary. I found the Grinch to be a relatable, engaging character, and I was really with him. Right up to the point that he succumbed to social convention and returned the presents and saved Christmas... what a buzz kill.不,正好相反。我認爲格林奇是個體貼又迷人的角色,而且我十分讚賞他屈從於社會習俗,回贈禮物,拯救了聖誕節的行爲...多麼掃興啊!

s, on the other hand, was actually born in the summer. His birthday was moved to coincide with the traditional pagan holiday that celebrated the winter solstice with lit fires and slaughtered goats, which, frankly, sounds like more fun than twelve hours of church with my mother followed by fruitcake.而另一方面,耶穌其實是夏天出生的,他的生日被改到了和異教徒某個傳統節日的.同一天,那一天本該要點起篝火,屠宰山羊,慶祝冬至,老實說,那會比和我媽媽在教堂待上12小時然後回來吃水果蛋糕要有趣的多。

I want is to be departing the Starship Enterprise in a one man shuttlecraft, headed to the planetoid I rule known as Sheldon Alpha Five.我想要從企業號星艦飛船上乘坐單人穿梭機前往由我統治的星球,著名的謝爾頓阿爾法5號星球。

outside is so good, why has mankind spent thousands of years trying to perfect inside?要是外面這麼美好,那爲什麼人類花費上千年來完美內部裝飾?

10.I don’t say anything. I merely offer you a facial expression that suggests you’ve gone insane.我什麼都不會說。只會用表情提醒你,你已經走火入魔了。