


1. Where are you are in your career? 你處於職業生涯的哪個位置?

First quarter 1/4處

Second quarter 2/4處

Third quarter 3/4處

Fourth quarter 4/4處

Retired 退休

2. How do you assess yourself in your profession? 在職業中,你如何來評估自己

Just getting started 纔開始

Intermediate 中等

High-performer 高表現者

Expert 專家

World class 世界級

3. What percent of your focus is on the following (for a total of 100%)? 對以下你的關注百分比是多少(一共是100%)

To excel and achieve personal success: ____ % 在個人成功方面出類拔萃,並取得個人成功

To make others around me successful: ____ % 讓我周圍的人成功 更多信息請訪問:

4. What three things have the greatest meaning in your life? 哪三件事情在你生命中有最大的意義?

5. Have you found your life's calling? 你找到了自己的"天職"嗎?

Not looking 沒有在尋找

Still searching 依然在尋找

I think so 我自認爲找到了

Definitely 絕對是找到了

6. How great an impact do you believe your life's calling can ultimately have? 你認爲你的“天職”會產生多大影響?

Meaningful at an individual level 在個人級別上有意義

Important at the local level 在某個範圍內有意義

Significant for the community at large 對整個社會有意義

World-changing 能帶來世界性的改變

7. How close are you to realizing this potential? 你離實現這個潛能有多麼遠?

Just starting to make a dent 纔開始出一點成績

About a quarter of the way there 完成了1/4了

About halfway there 完成了1/2了

Almost there 幾乎實現了

Keep your answers in mind as you continue reading. 在繼續閱讀的時候,請記住你對以上問題給出的答案。

Beyond Success 超越成功

Over the past two decades I've had the opportunity to advise and recruit many extraordinary individuals. Often, these are people who have reached the pinnacle of success. Yet what's become clear to me is that reaching even the highest-profile, highest-paid, or highest-prestige positions isn't what's most important. 在過去的二十年裏,我有機會聘請許多傑出的人物並給他們建議。這些人大多都取得了輝煌的`成功。然而我認識到(在他們的職業生涯中),獲得最高評價、最高收入或最高聲望譽的職位都不是最重要的。

Sure, it's great to achieve all these things, and very few who do complain about it. But whether they've already reached the top, are just starting out, or are somewhere along the way, almost everyone yearns -- especially when they take the time to reflect -- for something more fundamentally gratifying in their lives. 當然,要實現所有這些是很好,而且不會有多少人會去抱怨這些東西。但是,不論是否他們已經到達了巔峯,還是剛剛起步,還是正在路上,幾乎人人都在渴求生活中更基本的令人滿意的事情,這種慾望在他們反思的時候尤爲強烈。



Morgan: Did you get marketing survey results? How are sales abroad comparing to sales at home?

你拿到市場調查結果了嗎?與國內的銷量相比,國外的情況如何? 更多信息請訪問:

John: According to our numbers, there is twice as much opportunity in the international market as there is in the domestic market.


Morgan: Where are the geographical areas of highest demand?


John: Our European market has the highest current demand, but South American has great potential for growth.


Morgan: I heard that Asia is booming now. Is the greater Asian market available to us now? What is the size of our hold on Asia?


John: Honestly, we don’t fully understand our market situation in Asia. I don’t know much about it. We should probably put our feelers out and see what potential exists.