



開門見山法要求開頭用一兩句話就引出主題,也就是說,讓讀者快速瞭解文章的主旨,一目瞭然,而不是去繞圈子,最終不知所云。比如unit1 Book4的《Are women given a fair chance?》(《婦女有同等的機會嗎》)的開頭: I don?t think women are given a fair chance to have as good a career as men for three reasons. 就直接提出觀點,直接明瞭。又如作文“I Have a Dream”(《我有一個夢想》)的開頭是這樣的: My dream is to be a doctor. And I have never changed my mind till now.


對於許多作文題,可以使用使用引用名言名句進行開頭。因爲引用名言名句是經過加工過的語言,有力度,有價值,會使文章增色。這樣,用極短的語言就能點明題旨,解決寫什麼的問題,從而達到快速入題的目的.。比如上次診斷性測試中關於考試作弊方面的作文章,就可以引用名言:“Honesty is the best policy.(誠實才是上策)”,一句話即可表明文章主旨,又會使文章上一個檔次。又如作文“Computer Games”(《電腦遊戲》)的開頭:There?s a well-known saying “As one coin has two sides, everything has its advantages and disadvantages.” Computer games are no exception. It has brought us both advantages and disadvantages.

3、出其不意 深化主題(欲揚先抑法)

有些作文題,爲了突出文章中的人物,在開頭如果使用欲揚先抑法,給讀者留一個反面的印象,後面文風一轉,出其不意,會受到良好的效果。這樣比正面寫某個人要好得多。比如寫關於母親的文章,一般都認爲母親是關愛子女的,你在開頭寫上:I don?t think mother love me as deeply as father does.…或者是“I hate my mother.…”會給讀者帶來興趣,想讀下去。再在文章中間和結尾寫出母親對你的特別關愛,來個出其不意,會取得良好的效果。


這種寫法要求先描述一種普遍存在的現象,然後再發表對該現象的看法和觀點,從而點明主題。如作文“Say ?No? to Smoking”(《對吸菸說“不”》)的開頭:

Nowadays smoking is popular. Even some teenagers smoke. If you ask them “Why do you smoke?” They might answer “It looks cool.” Is it really a cool thing? I?m afraid I can?t agree.


簡要闡釋人們對某一話題的不同觀點後,亮明自己更加合理的看法,以起到到一種承託的作用。如作文“My Best Friend”(《我最要好的朋友》)的開頭: “Best Friend” may have different definitions to different people. A child may regard the ones who always whisper to him as his best friends. The young boys may regard the ones who always play with them as their best friends. To me “Best friend” is the one who I like best and we are faithful to each other.


這種方式要求針對某話題先提出問題,然後給予解答,通過答案的方式來呈現觀點。如作文“What I Want to Be When I Grow Up?”(《我長大了要做什麼?》)的開頭:What I Want to Be When I Grow Up? My answer is “an English interpreter”. Why do I hope to become an English interpreter? There are two reasons.


從身邊熟悉的人或事引發感想,導出主題,顯得自然、貼切。如作文“Fast Food”(《快餐》)的開頭: When my seven-year-old brother behaves well in school, he will ask for nothing but “KFC” as reward. As a matter of fact we would find it difficult to refuse such attraction of fast food too. But why are they so popular?