



neither, boat, especially, travel, discover, wonderful, population, dumpling, brave, spring, whenever, awake, umbrella, noon, goodbye, cow, cost, baby, holiday


Have you ever been to an amusement park?

This means that you can find Disney characters all over the roller coaster.

Tell me about yourself.

So do I.



1. population

(1) population 是集體名詞,它作主語時,若指一個地區或國家的整體人口時謂語動詞通常用單數;若強調整體人口中的成員時,謂語動詞通常用複數。 eg:

The population of Nanjing is smaller than that of Shanghai. 南京的人口比上海少。

About two fifths of the population here are farmers. 這兒大約2/5的人口是農民。

(2) 在詢問人口時,注意population和people的區別,前者用what來提問,後者用how many 來提問。 eg:

What’s the population of Hebei Province? 河北省的人口是多少?

How many people are there in Hebei Province? 河北省有多少人?

(3) 表達人口多少時要用large和small來修飾,不能用many, more和few修飾。 eg:

China has a larger population than Japan. 中國的'人口比日本多。

2. neither

(1) neither常用作代詞,意爲“兩者都不”。 eg:

Neither of us can understand. 我們倆誰也不能理解。

Neither was very interesting. 兩者都沒有多大意思。

(2) 它還可用作形容詞,意爲“(兩者)都不”,常在句中作定語。 eg:

Neither answer is correct. 兩個答案都不對。


(3) neither 用在倒裝句中表示“前者所說的內容也適合於後者”,意爲“也不”。 eg:

He doesn’t like Beethoven and neither do I. 他不喜歡貝多芬的作品,我也不喜歡。


neither, none, either, both & all










(1) 用作形容詞時,neither, either修飾單數名詞,both修飾複數名詞,all可以修飾複數名詞,也可以指不可數名詞。 eg:

Neither story is true. 兩個故事都不真實。

You may take either road. 你可以走兩條路中的任何一條。

Both pens are red. 兩支鋼筆都是紅色的。

All the water was poured. 所有的水都潑出去了。

(2) 用作代詞時,neither/either常被看作單數,而both應看作是複數;all根據不同的情況可以看作是單數或複數。 eg:

Neither is mine. 兩個都不是我的。

Both of us are teachers. 我們兩個都是老師。

All of us are here. 我們所有的人都在這兒。

(3) neither/none表示完全否定;而both/all和否定詞not連用時,表示的是不完全否定意義。

eg: Neither of you is right. 你們兩個都不對。

Both of you are not right. 你們兩個並非都對。


1. Have you ever been to an amusement park? 你曾經去過遊樂園?

have been to 意爲“去過某地”。 have gone to 指“去了某地,但未回來”。 eg:

She has never been to Beijing. 她從來沒去過北京。

—Where is your deskmate? 你同桌去哪兒了?

—He has gone to the bookshop? 他去書店了。

2. This means that you can find Disney characters all over the roller coaster.


mean是及物動詞,意爲“意思是……,意味着……”。 eg:

What does the word “argue” mean? “argue” 這個單詞意思是什麼?

It means that he won’t come again. 這意味着他再也不會回來了。

[注]mean的名詞形式爲meaning. eg:

What’s the meaning of life? 生命的意義是什麼?

3. Tell me about yourself. 給我講講你的情況。


(1) tell sb. about sb. /sth. 意爲“告訴某人有關某人/某事”。 eg:

Could you tell me about your work? 你能告訴我你的工作情況嗎?

(2) 後接單賓語,意爲“講述、說、告訴”,該賓語通常是事物。 eg:

My mother like telling jokes. 我媽媽喜歡講笑話。

(3) 後接雙賓語,即人和事物,表示“講述、說、告訴”。 eg:

She has told me the thing. 她已經告訴我這件事了。

(4) tell sb. (not) to do sth. 意爲“吩咐/命令某人(不)做某事”。 eg:

Tell him to wait. 叫他等一等。

(5) 它常與can, could, be able to 連用,意爲“辨別,分辨”。 eg:

I can’t tell Tom from his twin brother? 我不能分辨出湯姆和他的孿生兄弟。

4. So do I. 我也是。

“So+助動詞/情態動詞+主語”是倒裝句結構,用於後一句陳述內容與前一句陳述內容相同,且前後的主語是不同的人,意爲“某某也如此”。若前後陳述的情況爲否定式,用 Neither或Nor來替代So。 eg:

—I am a teacher. 我是一名老師。

—So is he. 他也是。

—She can’t dance. 她不會跳舞。

—Nor can I. 我也不會。

[注] 若前後兩陳述句的主語一致,且陳述內容相同,則用So+主語+助動詞/情態動詞,意爲“某某的確如此”。 eg:

—He is very brave. 他很勇敢。

—So he is. 的確如此。

5. I was having a hard time finding it until you came along.


have a good time doing sth. 意爲“做某事很費勁”。 eg:

The police had a hard time finding the lost child. 警察好不容易找到了這個走失的孩子。

6. I didn’t know some of the girls, but they were all really friendly to me.


be friendly to sb. 意爲“對某人很友好”。 eg:

My classmates are friendly to me. 我的同學對我很友好。


1. The headmaster told us C at the Science Museum on time.

A. arrive B. arrives C. to arrive D. arriving (2005. 北京)

2. —Let’s go and play football, D ?

—That’s wonderful.

A. will you B. do you C. won’t we D. shall we (2005. 江蘇)

3. —Jane, it’s time to go school. Get up and have breakfast.

—But I am not feeling C . I don’t fell like eating anything.

A. bad B. good C. well (2005. 長沙)

4. I told you not to be late again, John, D I?

A. do B. did C. don’t D. didn’t (2005. 河北)

5. —Jim enjoys listening to pop music.

— A .

A. So does Helen B. Also is Helen

C. Helen likes also D. So Helen does (2005. 甘肅)

6. —Do you mind if I smoke here?

— C .

A. You are welcome B. I’m afraid not

C. Please don’t. It’s a non-smoking car (2005. 甘肅)

7. Two foreigners are in the sitting room. One is Jack and D is Peter.

A. other B. another C. one D. the other (2005. 湖南)

8. —You’ve left the light on.

— A . I’ll go and turn it off.

A. So I have B. So do I C. Nor have I D. Neither I do (2005. 內蒙古)

9. I bought two pairs of shoes, but A of them is made in Chengdu.

A. neither B. either C. none (2005. 四川)

10. —Tom, can you tell me where Jack is?

—He A to the library.

A. has gone B. had gone C. has been (2005. 武漢)

11. —Would your sister go to Hainan this summer?

—If I don’t go, A .

A. neither will she B. neither does she C. so will she D. so does she (2005. 遼寧)

12. I had to buy D these books because I didn’t know which one was the best.

A. both B. none C. neither D. all (2005. 南京)

13. —I like apples.

— A .

A. Me too B. My brother is C. Don’t do that (2005. 重慶)

14. It was a long journey, but C of them four felt boring.

A. neither B. both C. none D. all (2005. 黑龍江)

15. —Have you ever A to Japan?

—No, never.

A. been B. gone C. go D. travel

16. —I hear your teacher D to Japan once.

—Yes. He _____ there last year.

A. goes, went B. has been C. went, has been D. has been, went

17. Thank you for A us to your house on Saturday.

A. inviting B. invited C. invite D. to invite

18. Hurry up. Your parents D you for twenty minutes.

A. wait B. is waiting C. has waited for D. have been waiting for

19. Students are usually interested in sports. Some like running, Some like swimming and B like ball games.

A. the others B. others C. the other D. other

20. I don’t think he is having a meeting, C ?

A. does he B. don’t I C. is he D. isn’t he