學個詞Learn a Word 第989課tricky


學個詞Learn a Word 第989課tricky

Tricky, 有棘手的'、難辦的意思。

"That is a tricky shot," 這個球不好打。

"Getting around the city is a little tricky," 這個城市的路不好找。

"There is nothing tricky about the math problem," 這道數學題一點兒也不難。

"This is where it gets tricky," 這兒是問題的難點所在。

"Without solid evidence, the case is quite tricky for the prosecutors," 在沒有確鑿證據的情況下,這個案子讓控告方覺得很棘手。

"The politician put himself into a tricky situation," 這個政治家讓自己陷入了一個很難辦的境地。
