


1. 科學發展觀 scientific outlook (thinking) on development

2. 倡導公正、合理的新秩序觀 to call for the establishment of a just and equitable new order

3. 以平等互利爲核心的新發展觀 new thinking (outlook) on development focusing on equality and mutual benefit

4. 推動樹立以互信、互利、平等和協作爲主要內容的新安全觀 foster new thinking on security featuring mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality and coordination

5. 主張形成以尊重多樣性爲特點的新文明觀 foster new thinking featuring the respect for different civilizations

6. 新能源觀 new thinking on energy development

7. 疏導公衆情緒 defuse (allay, ease) (public) anger (discontent, resentment and complaints); properly channel public sentiments

8. 誠信缺失 lack of credibility

9. 發展爲了人民、發展依靠人民、發展成果由人民共享 development for the people, by the people and to the benefit of all the people

10. 和諧共贏 harmony for all winners; harmonious and win-win scenario; all-win harmony

11. 真正意義上的和諧社會在逐步發展 a harmonious society in its true sense is emerging; a truly harmonious society is emerging

12. 實現社會公平與正義 to ensure social equity and justice

13. 利益協調機制 interest coordinating (balancing) mechanism

14. 社會救助體系 social assistance (aid) system

15. 人民羣衆安全感 people’s sense of security



A common method is mass-collecting email addresses from the company’s

domain name, identifying the top executives of the company using LinkedIn or , creating a fake email address under one of those executives’ names and sending a ransomware-laced email to a lower-level employee with a

subject line reading “Invoice” or something else that looks as if it demands




Since the dawn of human ingenuity, people have devised ever more cunning tools to cope with work that is dangerous, boring, burdensome, or just plain nasty.


compulsion has resulted in robotics -- the science of conferring various human capabilities on machines.

詞彙突破:ulsion 傾向

2. confer 給予


if scientists have yet to create the mechanical version of science fiction, they have begun to come close.


46. Human ingenuity was initially demonstrated in ________.


Initially= the dawn


people have devised ever more cunning tools to cope with work that is dangerous, boring, burdensome, or just plain nasty.


C選項:the invention of tools for difficult and dangerous work

1)Devised= the invention

2)ever more cunning tools= tools

3)to cope with work that is dangerous, boring= for difficult and dangerous



[A] the use of machines to produce science fiction


[B] the wide use of machines in manufacturing industry


[C] the invention of tools for difficult and dangerous work


[D] the elite’s cunning tackling of dangerous and boring work
