


海關完稅價值 customs value

海量存儲 mass memory

海上救助船 salvage ship

海市蜃樓,鏡花水月,無稽之談 a mare's nest

海灣戰爭綜合症 the complexities of the gulf war

海峽兩岸關係協會(海協會) the association for relations across the taiwan straits (arats)

海峽兩岸交流基金會(海基會) strait exchange foundation of (taiwan, china)(sef)

函授大學 correspondence university

寒帶 frigid zone

漢字處理軟件 chinese character processing software

旱地滑雪場 mock skiing park

航母 aircraft carrier

航向錯誤,奉行錯誤方向 on the wrong tack

豪賭 unrestrained gambling

卡丁車 kart

開標 bid opening

開發公司 development company

開發式扶貧 poverty reduction through development projects; development-oriented poverty relief

開發一代,儲存一代,預研一代 (產品) to develop this generation of products while researching on the next generation of products

開放帶動戰略 strategy spearheaded by opening-up

開放式基金 open-ended fund

開工不足 enterprises running under their production capacity

開工典禮 commencement ceremony

開後門 under-the-counter deals; offer advantages to one's friends or relatives by underhand means

開門紅 to begin well, to make a good start

開題報告 opening speech; opening report

開小竈 give special favor

開夜車 burn the midnight oil; work over night