



  1 做模版:不用找什麼馬思德,就拿幾片範文,找幾句比較拽的結構型句子,拼湊出一個你自己順手的框架即可。不用到處找,也不用找很多,一個框架即可,當然,準備一些可以替換的詞:比如recommendation替換conclusion.漂亮句子很多,但“若水三千,我只掬一瓢飲”。

  2 找出主要的錯誤類型,每種寫出一道兩句經典的表述即可。

  3 考時30分鐘分三個階段:

一)12-15分鐘,寫出完整的第一段,三個徵文段的topic sentence,和完整的末段。寫第一段的同時就構思topic sentence,末段無非是重複結論和三句topic。這樣的好處是結構已經完整了,你不用慌了。(其實已經有3分了)。二)13-10分鐘,完成三段正文。我以前覺得這個很困難,後來想通了。無非是把這層意思說清楚就行。3句話就夠了。也夠長了。三)5分鐘check.還一個作用時,是在前面沒有完成,還有一個buffer,也不至於彈盡糧絕。

  4 非常措施:

考試萬一時間不夠,首段就抄原句(當然6分就沒有了);如果時間還不夠,末段就cut-paste首段和topic 的文本,稍加修改即可(當然5分就沒有了)。但是,結構是完整的。

  5 gmat快速成文法的精髓和適用範圍:



  一、Parallelism: Concrete Nouns and Action Nouns具體名詞與動作名詞


具體名詞(concrete nouns)指事物、人物、地方、時間段以及特定的事件,如rock, continent, electron, politician, region, holiday, week。

動作名詞(action nouns)指動作,由動詞組成,如eruption, pollution, nomination, withdrawal, development, change, growth


簡單動名詞短語(Simple gerund phrases)在短語的開始沒有冠詞(a、an、the),如Tracking satellites accurately is important for the space agency.

複雜動名詞短語(Complex gerund phrases)短語的開始有冠詞,如The accurate tracking of satellites is important for the space agency.

在GMAT考試中,簡單動名詞不能與複雜動名詞平行,如下面的錯誤例子:I enjoyed drinking the water AND the wine tasting. Drinking water是簡單動名詞短語,而the wine tasting是複雜動名詞短語,所以錯誤。

應該改爲:I enjoyed drinking the water AND tasting the wine.

此外,只有複雜動名詞短語能夠與動作名詞平行,如下面的錯誤句子The rebels demanded the withdrawal of government forces from disputed regions, significant reductions in overall troop levels, raising the rebel flagon holidays, AND a general pardon.

Withdrawal、reductions、pardon都是動作名詞,而raising是簡單動名詞,所以不能是平行結構,應該改爲:The rebels demanded the withdrawal of government forces from disputed regions, significant reductions in overall troop levels, the raising of the rebel flag on holidays, AND a general pardon.


Wrong: The rebels demanded the withdrawal of government forces from disputed regions AND releasing certain political prisoners. 動作名詞與一般動名詞短語不平行,所以錯誤

Wrong: The rebels demanded the withdrawing of government forces from disputed regions AND the releasing of certain political prisoners. 兩個動名詞短語都有動作名詞形式,所以錯誤

Right: The rebels demanded the withdrawal of government forces from disputed regions AND the release of certain political prisoners.


  二、Adjectives and Participles形容詞與分詞


過去分詞與形容詞平行:A mastodon carcass, thawed only once AND still fresh, is on display.


形容詞與現在分詞平行:Only a few feet wide BUT spanning a continent, the railroad changed history.形容詞wide與現在分詞跨越spanning都起到修飾the road的作用,二者平行。