


1. —What are you reading, Jane?

—Some books on ________ education, I’m now interested in ________ education of young people.

A. an; the B. /; the C. the; an D. an;/

2. —You were out when I dropped in at your house yesterday.

—Oh, I________ for a friend from Beijing at the railway station.

A. was waiting B. had waited C. am waiting D. have waited

3. —Little Jim has been eating sweets all day.

—It’s no ________ he is not hungry

A. matter B. doubt C. problem D. wonder

4. Comrade Wang ________ be in Shanghai—I saw him in the company only a few minutes ago.

A. mustn’t B. can’t C. may not D. isn’t able to

5. It was not until I got home ________ I found my wallet missing.

A. that B. when C. where D. which

6. The number of the people present at the concert ________ much smaller than expected. There ________ many tickets left.

A. was; was B. were; was C. were; were D. was; were

7. ________ you stepped into the lab with your shoes on? You’re supposed to take them off before you enter it. I told you so!

A. How come B. How dare C. How about D. How long8

8. They made no effort to hide their amusement ________ I produced a packet of sweets from my pocket.

A. however B. whatever C. whichever D. whenever

9. ________ her work has been good, but this essay is dreadful

A. In a word B. In general C. In particular D. In total

10. She returned home from the office, only ________ the door open and something missing.

A. finding B. to be found C. to find D. found

11. We should ________ ourselves assiduously and faithfully to the duties of our profession.

A. devote B. spend C. offer D. provide

12. The Anti- Japanese War ________ in 1937 and it ________ eight years.

A. broke out; lasted B. broke out; was lasted

C. was broken out; lasted D. was broken out; was lasted

13. When the plane arrived, some of the detectives were waiting inside the main building ________others were waiting on the airfield.

A. during B. where C. which D. while

14. ________ is known to everybody, Taiwan is a part of China.

A. It B. As C. That D. Which

15. —Let’s go to the zoo this Sunday, OK?

—________. I love to see all kinds of animals.

A. I couldn’t agree more B. I’m afraid not

C. I believe not D. I don’t think so


1. B。第一個 education 意爲“教育;教育學”,爲不可數名詞,因此不用冠詞;而第二個 education 表示特指,意爲“年輕人的教育”,因此用定冠詞,故答案爲 B。

2. A。根據上句中的時間狀語的提示可知謂語動詞是指過去某時正在發生的事情,因此用過去進行時態,故答案爲 A。

3. D。上句“小吉姆整天在吃糖果”是“他不餓”的原因,因此答案爲 D。no wonder 意爲“難怪,不足爲怪。”

4. B。情態動詞 must 表推測時只能用於肯定句。在否定句中用 can’t 代替must。can’t 意爲“不可能”;may not 意爲“可能不”;be able to 表示經過努力或克服了困難之後做成了某事的能力,意爲“能,會”。句中的`破折號起解釋說明的作用。“我幾分鐘前在公司見過他”,因此“不可能在上海”,故答案爲 B。

5. A。強調句的基本結構由“It is / was +被強調部分 + that / who + 句子其餘部分”組成,如果被強調的是人用 that 或 who;其他用 that。句意爲:到了家我才發現我的錢包不見了。

6. D。the number of 修飾可數名詞複數作主語時,後面的謂語動詞用單數形式;There be 必須與後面的主語在人稱和數上保持一致。tickets 爲複數名詞,因此用were。故答案爲 D。

7. A。how come 意爲“怎麼”;how dare 意爲“怎敢”;how about 意爲“怎麼樣”;how long 意爲“多久”。根據語境“怎麼穿着鞋進了實驗室?進來之前你該脫掉。我早告訴過你”可知答案爲 A。

8. D。此題考查 whenever 引導的時間狀語從句。句意爲“每當我從衣袋裏拿出一包糖果的時候,他們毫不掩飾他們覺得好笑”。

9. B。in a word 意爲“總之”;in general 意爲“一般地;大體上;通常”;in particular 意爲“特別”;in total 意爲“整個地;總共”。根據句意“總的說來,她的作品不錯,不過這篇文章糟透了”答案爲 B。

10. C。作結果狀語時,不定式常表示沒有預料到的情況或結果,即預料之外;而分詞常表示一種自然而然的結果,即預料之中。根據語境“發現門開着,有東西丟了”是他沒想到的,因此可知應用不定式。又因句子的主語 he 與動詞 find是邏輯上的主謂關係,故用主動語態,因此答案爲 C

11. A。devote…to 爲習慣用語,意爲“把……獻給;把……專用於”。句意爲“我們應當勤奮地而且忠誠地獻身於我們的職責。”

12. A。break out 和 last 都是不及物動詞,都不能用於被動語態,因此答案爲 A。句意爲“抗日戰爭 1937 年爆發,持續了八年。”

13. D。while 作並列連詞,表示對比或相反的情況,意爲“而、卻”。句意爲“當飛機抵達時,一部分偵探等在主樓裏面,而另一部分則等在停機坪上。”

14. B。as 和 which 引導非限定性定語從句,都可以指整個句子,有時可以通用。但 as 引導的非限定性定語從句可以放在句首,也可以放在句中。which 只能放在句中。句意爲“周所周知,臺灣是中國的一部分。”

15. A。上句提出建議“我們週日去動物園好嗎?”根據答語中的後句“我喜歡看各種動物”可知是表示贊成對方的建議,故答案爲 A。意爲“我非常贊成。”