



the traditional hospitality of china requires that the banquet contains various dishes that the guests could not finish. the typical menu of chinese banquet includes a set of cold dishes,which means that we can begin eating now, with the hot food followed, such as meat, chicken, ducks and vegetables. whole fish is considered essential in most banquets, unless all kinds of seafood have been served. chinese like to combine the western specialty with traditional chinese dishes, so it is very common to see a lot of steak on the table. despite the fact that, traditionally, chinese don’t like to eat any raw cooking dishes, salads have also been popular. there are at least a kind of soup at the dinner, which can be served either at first or at last. dessert and fruit are the sign that the dinner is come to the end.


待客之道 hospitality

中國宴席 chinese banquet

菜單 menu

開席 open seats

涼菜 cold dishes

熱菜 hot food

全魚 a whole fish

海鮮 seafood

特色菜 specialty

傳統中式菜餚 traditional chinese dishes

牛排 the steak

沙拉 salad

烹飪 cooking

一道湯 a soup

甜點 the dessert