


  Dialogues /monologues:

  1, Karen has just had her house redecorated.

翻譯爲: 凱瑞剛讓人把房子重新裝修.

注意這裏的用法, had sth done — 強調的是讓別人做了什麼

例: I had my clothes washed.(我讓人把衣服洗了)

  2, The architect and Tom put there heads together to discuss what we wanted what was possible.

注意的詞語: put heads together: 共同商量,集思廣益.

翻譯爲: 建築師和提姆共同商討以可行的方式來滿足我們的需求.

  3, After a few meetings, they came up with some super idea that everybody agreed with.

注意的詞語: come up with: 提出,拿出.

翻譯爲: 經過一會兒的交談, 他們拿出了一些大家都同意的好點子.

  4, But the rest of it was surprisingly expensive.

注意的詞語: the rest: 其餘者: 代指裝修所用的材料.

翻譯爲: 但是其餘的材料簡直便宜得讓人吃驚.

  5, We were able to make do with the materials we already have.

注意的詞語: make do with: 設法應付.

翻譯爲: 我們設法將我們已經擁有的材料都用上了.

  6, I made up some of the curtains and pillows on the couch form mere sheets.

注意的詞語: make up : 在這裏指做縫製.編織.

翻譯爲: 我縫製了一些窗簾和睡椅靠墊, 僅僅是用一些牀單做的.

  7, It’s funny how people can find solution afer they kick something around for a while.

注意的詞語: kick something around: 直譯——將什麼東西踢來踢去.引申意——討論.

翻譯爲: 人們怎樣通過暫時的討論之後, 就能找到解決方法是件有趣的`事情.

  8, You’re on your own.

注意的詞語: on one's own: 獨立地,獨自地.

翻譯爲: 你自己玩吧!

  9, I’d like to concentrate on getting the best score ever on this game.

注意的詞語: concentrate on: 精中(精力),全神貫注於

翻譯爲: 我將集中精力在這個遊戲上取得最好的分數.注意even在這裏的用法.

  10,No matter how busy you are, always take time out to check that your child hasn't gotten hold of something that could hurt him.

注意的詞語: take time out to: 暫停下來 hold of: 抓住,得到.

  11,But quit my job and took up housekeeping the year after my marriage. Daily household chores keep me on my toes; I’m delighted all day long.

注意的詞語: take up: 開始從事. on one’s toe : 準備行動. all day long: 一整天.

keep me on my toes: 讓我保持活力的狀態, 結合句意就: 一刻也閒不着, 樂此不疲.

翻譯爲: 但是自從我結婚以後, 便放棄了工作, 開始打理家務.每天的家務瑣事讓我樂此不疲.我一整天都眉天眼笑的.

  12,”in a moment”與 “or so”

一個表示”立刻”, 一個表示”大約”.都是形容時間的.

  13,That's the “tremendous business” for me out of the three meals a day, for, except for the weekends,we have only this meal together. Besides, he always has his lunch in a neglected way at his workplace.

翻譯爲: 那對於我來說, 是除了三頓飯以外, 最爲重大的事情.因爲, 除了週末, 我們只能在一起吃一頓正餐.此外, 他總是在他的工作場所, 很輕率的打發他的午餐.