


It is known to almost all that smoking is bad for people's health. Scientific research has shown that smoking can lead to heart disease, cancer and other problems. The World Health Organization says diseases linked to smoking kill at least two million five hundred thousand people each year. Still, many people find it difficult to stop smoking. One reason is that smoking usually becomes a habitual behavior, and habits, whether good or bad are not easy to give up. Another reason is that the effect of nicotine, the substance found in cigarettes works on people somewhat as drugs do. Measures have been taken to help people keep away from the harmful effects of smoking. In many cities, smoking is forbidden in public places. The danger of smoking is warned of everywhere. And newspapers are asked not to publish advertisements for cigarettes. World "No Tobacco Day" is observed every year as the biggest campaign against smoking.

衆所周知吸菸有害健康。科學研究表明吸菸可引發心臟病、癌症及其他疾病。世界衛生組織稱由吸菸引發的疾病導致每年有2,500,000人喪生。 誠然,很多人明白戒菸很困難。原因之一,吸菸已經成爲了一個習慣性動作,然而習慣,不論好與壞,都是很難戒掉的。另一個原因就是尼古丁的作用了,香菸裏這些東西就像毒品一樣使人上癮。 有很多方法都能幫助人們遠離吸菸的有害影響。在很多城市裏,公共場所是禁止吸菸的。隨處可見有關吸菸危害的.告示。報紙將不會刊登有關菸草的廣告。一年一度的“世界無煙日”活動抵制吸菸的效果最爲明顯。