


Task:Some people think getting old is bad for them in the modern world, while others think older people today live better lives in the past. Discuss both views and give your opinion.


1. the old, old people, the elderly, seniors, the aged

2. extended family, core family, be isolated/separate from

3. in the past, decades ago; at present, currently, in the current era, contemporarily


When it comes to the issue about the life quality of the elderly, some people argue that the life quality of the old has been improved a lot, but others believe that individuals still dread growing older.

On one hand, the elderly’s lives are better guaranteed by governments in the current era. In the past when there existed wars and other disasters like famine, old citizens cannot enjoy their lives comfortably and their safety may even be threatened. However, with peace and development becoming the mainstream currently, governments of most countries focus on economic development. Then, the social welfare system could function better to maintain the life quality of the elderly and their security could be ensured as well .

On the other hand, it seems that seniors also have new problems contemporarily. In the past when individuals lived close to their extended family, the emotional ties among them were much stronger and the old might not feel lonely. However, people nowadays intend to dwell individually in order to better protect their privacy and freedom. Such a phenomenon leads to that many old people have to live separately from their children, because of which they are prone to feel being isolated at present.

From my own perspective, these two opinions do not necessarily contradict each other and both of them reflect the truth about the elderly’s lives. It is true that modern technology enables senior citizens to better enjoy their lives. For example, laundry machines and intelligent vacuum cleaner robots successfully liberate the elderly from labor-intensive work, which allows them to spare more time on leisure activities. However, it cannot be denied that mental health may be a potential issue for many old people since they lack interaction with their children or other relatives. Thus, in order to really improve the elderly’s lives, the elderly could attempt to visit their children and friends more frequently to avoid mental diseases, such as depression.


   Achievement (任務完成度)——就是你是否覆蓋了所有的寫作要求


Task 1小作文大多數情況出的是常規的表圖、線圖、條形圖,再就是出現頻率不那麼高的流程圖了(話說一個月一次的頻率),然後就是頻率更低的地圖題,還有一種就是物品比較題,這種很少會碰到。

它的要求很有可能是:“Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.”(選擇並描述圖表中的主要信息,並在必要之處進行比較。)

仔細讀題的話,你會發現Task 1的寫作要求一清二楚,共有三個部分:

(1)“選擇性的進行描述”,選擇圖表中的重要信息,你要記住無需所有的信息你都需要寫出來。所謂重要信息,一般是指極值、中間值、趨勢(特別是從圖表中總結出的趨勢走向)等等。例如一張餅狀圖中佔比最大與最小的部分分別是什麼、數值幾何;一條折線總體上升或下降等等。由於這個部分絕大多數的信息均爲數字、百分比,所以要學會怎樣用不同方式表達數字。例如,“佔35%”可表達爲“account for 35%”, “represent 35%”, “take up 35%”, “occupy 35%”, “the 35%”等等。


Task 2的題目形式也較爲固定,總是先對一(兩)個現象或觀點進行描述,然後按要求進行討論。分類來看,主要有:

(1) “Do you agree/disagree”類此類話題一般甩出一個觀點或命題,並且要求你“站隊”。例如“Some people believe that children's leisure activities must be educational, otherwise they are a complete waste of time. Do you agree or disagree?”在作文的第一段最好就明確給出自己的“答案”,即對於此觀點是同意還是反對。此類話題不建議“折中”,因爲觀點不鮮明。

(2) “Discuss the advantage/disadvantage”類很有可能題幹只提供一個事實,然後需要你對該事實進行正反面的討論。例如“Some parents choose to send students into single-sex schools. What are the advantages and disadvantages of these schools?”

(3)“What's your opinion”類這類題目一般會給出兩個觀點,然後要求你“給出自己觀點”。此類題目是有技巧的,在謀篇佈局上也有規律可循:首先,開頭段落要靈活換用其他表述,將題幹內容進行復述;接下來的兩段要分別對題幹裏提到的兩個方面都進行論述,並且充分說明;最後,明確提出自己的`見解或建議。

  2. Cohesion and Coherence(銜接與連貫)——前後觀點連貫完整,行文銜接自然。






(1)短語。本質上與詞彙相同,但更靈活。最常用的有類似“due to”, “now that”, “in contrast”等。使用短語還另有好處,它要求你將前面已述的內容再做一次簡練的歸納,然後再引出後文論述。這有助於文章連貫性、完整性的體現。大家可根據自身情況進行銜接語彙積累,購買相應的書籍查閱,還可有意識地選擇一些作爲你的“常用”語料。

(2)代詞。寫作時往往不需用詞彙來提示銜接關係,只需用代詞開始下句話即可。例如“Recreational activities are crucial to the well-being of modern citizens under pressure. They serve as outlets of unsatisfactory moods and refill residents' energy tanks.”

(3)從句。往往用銜接詞連起來的句子也可以用一個簡單的定語從句或狀語從句連接。這樣做可以展示你對語言的控制力,也很有效地豐富了語法。For example:例用銜接詞,兩句話:Political decay is part of the evolution of authoritative powers. Moreover, it exists in the histories of almost all countries. 用從句,一句話:Political decay is part of the evolution of authoritative powers, which admittedly exists in the histories of almost all countries.