



This line graph clearly presents the changes ofthe amounts of goods carried by four different transporting modes in UKthroughout the period from 1974 to 2002.


This line graph clearly presents the changes of the consumptions of those six different kinds of energy source in USAthroughout the period from 1980 to 2014, and also predicts the future figures till 2030.


This line graph clearly presents how theexpenditures of these four different kinds of food in a European countrychanged throughout the period between 1979 and 2004.


These three pie charts clearly present thechanges of the spending percentages on five different aspects in aUK school across three years 1981, 1991 and 2001.


The pie chart and table individually summarizes thefigures of four different kinds of causes of degraded landaround the world, and indicates the percentages of effects onthree regions in 1990s.


This table clearly indicates the figures about theproportions of spending on three groups of items in fivedifferent countries in the second year of 21st century.


These four pie charts clearly present thechange of units of electricity production made by five different fuel sources in Australiaand France across two years 1980 and 2000.

These four pie charts clearly present how theunits of electricity production made by five different fuel sourceschanged in Australia and France across twoyears 1980 and 2000.


This bar chart clearly presents the changes of thecall minutes through three different call types in UK throughoutthe period from 1995 to 2002.


These pie chartsclearly summarize the figures about the percentages of three age groupsof population in Yemen and Italy in 2000, and also predicts the futurefigure for 2050.



Overall, the total amount of transported goodsthrough these four modes had increased slightly by 2002, compared withthe figure in 1974.


Overall, the total requirement of these six energy fuels is expected tohave ascended dramatically by 2030, compared with the figure in 1980.


Overall, the total expenditure on these threekinds of meat and fish had dropped smoothly by2004, compared wit the figure in 1979.


Overall, the total percentage of the consumption of all of these goodsin Turkey was apparently the greatest, while the residents in Sweden preferredto purchase these items least.


Overall, the structure of the spending percentageson these five aspects had changed a lot across these three years, andthe salaries, including the teachers’ salaries and other worker salaries, stilloccupied more than the half of total school annual spending.