



會計 accounting

會計職能 accounting function

會計覈算 financial accounting

會計控制accounting control

會計學科accounting science

會計職業 accounting profession

非營利組織會計 non-profit organization accounting

企業會計 enterprise accounting

財務會計 financial accounting

成本會計 cost accounting

管理會計 management accounting

稅務會計 tax accounting


電算化會計 computerized accounting

會計信息 accounting information

會計目標 accounting objective

企業會計準則 accounting criteria for enterprises

存貨會計準則 inventory accounting

長期股權投資會計準則 accounting standards, long-term equity investment

投資性房地產會計準則 investment property accounting standards

固定資產會計準則 fixed assets accounting standards

生物資產會計準則 biological assets accounting standards

無形資產會計準則 intangible assets accounting standards

非貨幣性資產交換會計準則 of non-monetary assets, the exchange of accounting standards


市場部Marketing Department

銷售部 Sales Department

客戶服務 Customer Service

人事部 Human Resource Personnel Department 行政部Administration Department

財務部 Ministry of Finance/ Financial Department 產品供應 Product Supply


助理 Assistant

祕書 Secretary

前臺接待小姐 Receptionist

文員 clerk

會計文員爲Accounting Clerk

主任 supervisor

經理 Manager

總經理 GM,General Manager


總會計師 Finance Controller

Senior Manager 高級經理

VP(Vice President)副總裁

FVP(First Vice President)第一副總裁 AVP(Assistant Vice President)副總裁助理 CEO(Chief Executive Officer)首席執行官 COO(Chief Operations Officer)首席運營官 CFO(Chief Financial Officer)首席財務官 CIO(Chief Information Officer)首席信息官 HRD(Human Resource Director)人力資源總監 OD(Operations Director)運營總監 (Marketing Director)市場總監 OM(Operations Manager)運作經理 PM(Production Manager)生產經理

(Product Manager)產品經理