



Today, I saw large areas of the United States "Home Alone" with deep feeling. The main character is a little boy. Christmas is fast approaching, the little boy was always getting into trouble. As a result, they go to a holiday in Paris, but forget the little boy at home. There are two thieves, after a long period of the study, which determined that no one at home. Unexpectedly, there is a little devil at home it! The little boy with a lot of smart and witty way, to finally seize the thief. His parents, Christmas is the day to come back, and the boy's mother hugged tightly. Since then, the boy became everybody's favorite target. I would like to tell you that the smart money is not unusual in some small inexpensive. But in the coming danger, to protect their own!


`Home Alone" is a splendid movie title because it evokes all sorts of scary g left home alone,when you were a kid,meant hearing strange noises and being afraid to look in the basement - but it also meant doing all the things that grownups would tell you to stop doing,if they were gs like staying up to watch Johnny Carson,eating all the ice cream,and sleeping in your parents' bed.

"Home Alone" is about an 8-year-old hero who does all of those things,but unfortunately he also single-handedly stymies two house burglars by booby-trapping the they're the kinds of traps that any 8-year-old could devise,if he had a budget of tens of thousands of dollars and the assistance of a crew of movie special effects people.

The movie's screenplay is by John Hughes,who sometimes shows a genius for remembering what it was like to be best movies,such as "Sixteen Candles," "Breakfast Club," "Ferris Bueller's Day Off" and "Planes,Trains and Automobiles," find a way to be funny while still staying somewhere within the boundaries of remote time,he strays so far from his premise that the movie suffers.

If "Home Alone" had limited itself to the things that might possibly happen to a forgotten 8-year-old,I think I would have liked it I didn't enjoy was the subplot involving the burglars (Joe Pesci and Daniel Stern),who are immediately spotted by little Kevin (Macaulay Culkin),and made the targets of his cleverness.

The movie opens in the Chicago suburbs with a houseful of people on the eve of a big family Christmas vacation in e are relatives and kids everywhere,and when the family oversleeps and has to race to the airport,Kevin is somehow overlooked in the he wakes up later that morning,the house is he makes the best of it.

A real kid would probably be more frightened than this movie character,and would probably might also try calling someone,or asking a neighbor for in the contrived world of this movie,the only neighbor is an old coot who is rumored to be the Snow Shovel Murderer,and the phone doesn't Kevin's parents discover they've forgotten him,they find it impossible to get anyone to follow through on their panicked calls - if anyone did so,the movie would be over.

The plot is so implausible that it makes it hard for us to really care about the plight of the works in the other direction,however,and almost carries the day,is the gifted performance by young Macaulay Culkin,as in is the little boy who co-starred with John Candy in "Uncle Buck," and here he has to carry almost the whole has lots of challenging acting scenes,and he's up to them.I'm sure he got lots of help from director Chris Columbus,but he's got the stuff to begin 's such a confident and gifted little actor that I'd like to see him in a story I could care more about.

"Home Alone" isn't that the burglars invade Kevin's home,they find themselves running a gamut of booby traps so elaborate they could have been concocted by Rube Goldberg - or by the berserk father in "Last House on the Left." Because all plausibility is gone,we sit back,detached,to watch stunt men and special effects guys take over a movie that promised to be the kind of story audiences could identify with.



森林是自然的寶庫。今天,我們看了一部環保話劇:《小鬼當家》早上,我們還在讀着英語,忽然,老師懷這一個詭異的笑容,走到講台,説:“認真聽講啊,小心等一下取消你們去看電影的活動。”“什麼!”全班一下子炸開了鍋。不久,下課鈴聲響了,我們準備去大寧影劇院。到了影劇院門口,只見人山人海 ,人人都摩肩接踵,我們安排好了位置坐下,等了好久,表演才開始,燈光照耀在舞台上,五光十色,絢麗多姿,我不禁感歎道:“科技太發達了!”







回家後,凱文感到自己徹底自由了。他 “大鬧天宮”、肆意妄為。可是到了晚上,凱文卻想媽媽了。後來,凱文無意間得知第二天有倆笨賊要來“光顧”。第二天晚上倆笨賊如約而至,竟然看見凱文家燈火通明,透過窗户,隱約看到很多人在跳舞!倆笨賊面面相覷,大惑不解,只好溜之大吉。原來凱文唱了一曲“空城計”:音箱裏播放着歡快激昂的舞曲;玩具火車上豎着的大人像沿着火車軌道來回地“翩翩起舞”;凱文手腳並用,通過拉線“遙控”着窗口另外幾個人像的舞姿!

