



幾乎[jī hū]




詞典all but:幾乎, 差不多;除了…之外(都)。



1. nearly adv:★towards prep. 朝, 向 | ★nearly adv. 幾乎 | ★sight n. 眼界, 視域

2. pretty well:semidominance 半顯性 | pretty well 幾乎 | filled with spleen 充滿怨氣[怒氣]


1. 因此,決策削減作為一個superdog幾乎沒有與譜系和大量的工作要做與人格。

So making the cut as a Superdog has little to do with pedigree and a lot to do with personality.

2. 由於尖山埤水庫集水區地質條件不佳,受降雨沖刷泥砂入庫,水庫淤積嚴重,目前該水庫在高程37公尺以下容積幾乎為泥砂淤滿,而水庫實質有效容積亦在130萬立方公尺以下。

The bad geology conditions of watershed are usually scoured by the rain that brings lots silt into the reservoir and cause serious silting. After observation over the variation of reservoir`s capacity, below the elevation 37m, it is almost filled with silt and the effective capacity is beyond 1.3 million cubic meter.

3. 幾乎所有的電影都設置發生在洛杉磯。

Characters in nearly all of his movies have aliases.

4. 我們幾乎肯定會改變格檔。

We will almost certainly change block.

5. David在採訪室的玻璃外看着裏面,他的下巴幾乎要掉到地上了!

David was looking through the window of the interview room and his jaw nearly hit the floor!

6. 我們的生產能力,因此非常靈活的和我們能夠應付幾乎任何專業裝飾的需要,您有。

Our production capabilities are therefore very versatile and we are able to cater for practically any specialty decorate needs that you have.

7. 很久很久以前,人們過着艱苦的生活,幾乎每天都是食不果腹。

Hundred of years ago, man had a hard life and was never able to get enough to eat.

8. 在此拍攝,攝影師給了天空和盆地幾乎同等的重視。

In this shot, the photographer has given the sky and the pan almost equal weight.

9. 這是一次盛大的團聚,一個個食慾大振,狼吞虎嚥,一副餓鬼相。這頓苦苦等候的晚餐變成空前盛宴,幾乎成了生活神聖的慶典,讓人刻骨銘心。

This was the great reunion, and everybody gorged themselves silly, and appetite came into its own; the long-awaited meal became a feast to remember and an almost sacred celebration of life.

10. "這是個令人驚訝的發現,人們普遍認為要提高一個國家的國民幸福水平幾乎是不可能的。

It's widely believed that it's almost impossible to raise an entire country's happiness level.