



傳統的中國婚俗被視為中國傳統文化禮儀的基礎。通常,婚禮是隆重場合,有很多的禮節。婚禮有八大程序,包括求婚、生辰匹配、合婚(marriage divination),下聘禮(betrothal gifts presenting)、確定婚期、置辦嫁粧(dowry urging)、迎娶新娘、舉行正式的結婚儀式。在中國傳統的婚禮中,新娘由新郎牽着。她頭頂紅蓋頭,全程都垂在肩上。傳統的中國婚俗已經實行了幾千年。它們可能會因時間和地點而異,但在中國人的生活中一直佔據着重要地位,對中國人的生活方式產生着深遠的影響。


Traditional Chinese wedding customs are considered as the foundation of rites in traditional Chinese culture.A wedding is usually a grand occasion with so many e are eight major procedures of a wedding,including proposal making,birthday matching,marriage divination,betrothal gifts presenting,wedding date fixing,dowry urging,welcoming the bride to the wedding and performing the formal wedding ng the traditional Chinese wedding ceremony,the bride is led by her head is covered by a red veil which is Ming down to her shoulder during the whole itional Chinese wedding customs have been running for thousands of may vary from place to place and from time to time,but they have been holding an important position in the life of Chinese people,having a far-reaching impact on Chinese people's lifestyle.


1.隆重場合:可譯為a grand occasion。grand意為“重大的,盛大的”。

2.求婚:可譯為名詞結構proposal making。

3.生辰匹配:可譯為birthday matching。

4.合婚:八字合婚是中國民間的一種舊俗,即婚前男女雙方交換庚帖,以卜八字是否相配來確定婚姻是否幸福美滿。故此處譯為marriage divination,divination意為“預測,占卜”。

5.下聘禮:可譯為betrothal gifts presenting。betrothal是名詞,意為“訂婚”,betrothal gifts意為“聘禮”。

6.置辦嫁粧:可譯為dowry urging。

7.紅蓋頭:可譯為red veil。veil意為“頭巾;面紗”。

8.因...而異:可譯為vary。vary是常見詞,常用詞組有vary from(與...不同),vary with(隨...而不同),vary in(在...方面有差異)。


中國有句説法:不去長城看一看或沒有品嚐北京烤鴨(Beijing Roast Duck)都不算來過北京。如果你想更多地瞭解中國菜系、文化和習俗,北京烤鴨作為著名的、擁有悠久歷史的.美食是絕佳的選擇。供應烤鴨的兩大最著名的餐廳是便宜坊 (Bianyifang Roast Duck Restaurant)和全聚德。這兩家餐廳都有100多年的歷史了。 品嚐烤鴨的真正方式是這樣的:首先拿起一片小薄餅,抹上甜麪醬(sweet bean sauce),加點葱段,再加幾片鴨肉,最後將餅捲起來,咬上一口。你會為這種美味而感到驚奇的。


According to a Chinese saying, no visit to Beijing is complete if you miss seeing the Great Wall or dining on Beijing Roast Duck. As a famous and delicious food with a very long history, Beijing Roast Duck is an excellent choice if you want to know more about Chinese cuisine,culture and customs. The two most famous restaurants that serve Beijing Roast Duck are Bianyifang Roast Duck Restaurant and Quanjude Roast Duck Restaurant. Both have a history of over one hundred way to really enjoy the Roast Duck is as follows: first take one piece of the small,thin pancakes provided, spread it with sweet bean sauce,add small slices of spring onions and then some pieces of duck. Finally roll up the pancake and take a will be surprised by the terrific taste!


1.中國有句説法:可譯為According to a Chinese saying或There is a saying in China。

2.不算來過北京:可理解為“遊玩北京不完整”,故可譯為novisit to Beijing is complete。

3.絕佳的選擇:可譯為an excellent choice。


5.咬上一口:譯為take a bite。


在中國,尊老愛幼是中華民族的優秀傳統。早在漢朝時期(the Han Dynasty), 政府就曾多次頒佈法令,提倡並獎勵孝敬老人的行為。中國人以愛、教育、友善和嚴格的方式對待子孫後代,體現了強烈的道德責任感。尊老愛幼的傳統在現代社會得以發揚光大。現在,中國的老人和兒童都有法定的假期—老人節(Elders'Day)和兒童節。除此之外,政府還頒佈特定的法律保護婦女兒童,法律也明確規定中國公民有義務贍養父母、撫養子女。


It is a fine tradition in China to respect the old and love the early as the Han Dynasty, the government issued laws many times to advocate and reward behavior relating to treating the old with Chinese people treat their offspring with love and education, with kindness and strictness, embodying a strong sense of moral tradition of respecting the old and taking care of the young has been carried forward in modern present, the old and the young in China have their own legal holidays—Elders' Day and Children's des, the government has issued specific laws to protect women and children; and some laws also stipulate in explicit terms that Chinese citizens have obligations to take care of parents and raise children.


1.尊老愛幼:可譯為respect the old and love the young。

2.早在漢朝時期:“早在”可以用as early as表達。

3.發揚光大:可譯為carry forward。

4.強烈的道德責任感:可譯為a strong sense of moral responsibility。

5.明確規定:可譯為stipulates in explicit terms。