



n. 远征,探险,考察;探险队

He's the conductor of an expedition.他是远征队队长。

The expedition into the jungle was fraught with danger.到原始森林去探险充满了危险。

He expedited a letter to the duke. 他给公爵发了一封信。

Expedition is the most precious factor in war.兵贵神速。

The builders promised to expedite the repairs to the roof.建筑工人答应加快屋顶的修缮。


"Oh, when will the Tartar troops be conquered, And my husband come back from the long campai gn!"何日平胡虏?良人罢远征。

Sam continues the quest alone. 山姆独自一人继续远征。

The story goes that the expedition was a failure.据说这次远征失败了。

An ill-fated expedition运气不佳的远征.

He was on an expedition to explore the Antarctic.他参加探险队远征南极。

They equipped themselves for the expedition.他们为远征准备行装。

Of or forming an expedition远征的.;探险的;考察的;组成远征队等的

The most futile of the expeditions was the Children's Crusade, which took place in 1212. 最徒劳的远征是1212 年的儿童十字军。

He was accompanied on the expedition by his wife.他那次远征有妻子陪同。

Sir, such is my eulogy of the expedition to China先生,这就是我对远征中国的赞赏。