
1. 當值班人員發現主機失控,應立即通知駕駛臺和報告輪機長。


Once duty crew finds main engine fails , shall inform bridge and report to chief engineer.

2. 輪機長應立即向船長報告,同時通知機艙有關人員迅速到位。

Chief engineer shall report to master immediately and inform all the relevant persons in engine room to get in place.

3. 船長根據情況通知有關人員採取相應措施:

Master shall inform related persons to take measures as following:

.1 船長上駕駛臺指揮。

Master shall instruct on the bridge.

.2 懸掛相應的號旗。

Hang on relevant signal flag and size.

.3 大副、水手長到船艏備錨。

Chief officer and sailor shall prepare anchor at ship bow.

.4 值班駕駛員加強瞭望。

Duty pilot shall strengthen observation.

.5 二副(或船上適任的人)通過16頻道向周圍過往船舶發佈航警。

Second officer(or other competent crew)shall release warning signals to around ships.

4. 機艙有關人員在接到通知後立即趕到現場,分析、判斷故障原因,根據情況進行搶修:

Related engine room crew shall rush to the emergency place after receiving the report, analyze the causes and repair according to the actual situations:

.1 若是滑油、冷卻水或燃油系統故障,應立即啓動備用泵,並消除系統的其他故障,注意油水位。

Emergency bump shall be started when lubricating oil,cooling water or fuel system fails, to remove the other failure in system, and pay attention to oil and water amount.

.2 若是控制系統故障,應立即轉機旁操縱,並儘快更換閥件或包紮管路,恢復工作。 Shall swift to local operation when control system fails, and change valves or pack the pipeline to resume work.

.3 若是調試器故障,應立即採取機旁控制,同時設法檢修調試器。

Shall start local control when speed governor fails, and repair the governor.

.4 若是相關電器故障,應儘快判明原因,予以消除。

If relevant electrical device fails, shall find the cause and remove it.

5. 如故障嚴重短時間無法修復,應報告船長,船長應按《船岸應急反應程序》的規定向公司報告。

If the failure cannot be repaired in short time, shall report to master, and the master shall report to company according to“Ship and Shore-base Contingency Procedure”.

6. 當船舶在特殊狀態下如在狹水道、進出港等,船長應採取一切可能措施,保證船舶安全。

Master shall take all the possible measures to ensure ship safety when sailing across narrow channel or arrival/departure ports.
