
1. “Ode to the west wind” was written by the author of ___.


A “I wandered lonely as a cloud”

B “Kubla Khan”

C “Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage”

D “As Defense of Poetry”

2. Which of the following poets does not belong to the school of romantic poets?

A William Wordsworth

B Percy Bysshe Shelley

C George Gordon Byron

D John Donne

3. Charles Dickens wrote all of the following except ___.

A Oliver Twist

B David Copperfield

C A Tale of Two Cities

D Heart of Darkness

4. “A Red, Red Rose” was written by ___.

A Alexandra Pop

B Robert Burns

C William Blake

D John Keats

5. Pip is the character of Charles Dickens’ novel ___.

A Oliver Twist

B David Copperfield

C A Tale of Two Cities

D Great Expectations

6. Sense and Sensibility is a ___ by ___.

A play… Jane Austen

B novel… Jane Austen

C play… Emily Bronte

D novel… Anne Bronte

7. In reading Shakespeare, you must have come across the line “To be or not to be---that is the question” by___.

A Iago in Othello

B Lear in King Lear

C Shylock in the Merchant of Venice

D Hamlet in Hamlet

8. Robert Browning’s “My last Duchess” is composed in the form of a(n) ___.

A dramatic monologue

B extended metaphor

C syllogistic argument

D dialogue

9. Thomas Hardy wrote novels of __.

A character and environment

B pure romance

C “stream of consciousness”

D psychoanalysis

10. “Wessex novels” refers to the novels written by ___.

A Charles Dickens

B D.H. Lawrence

C James Joyce

D Thomas Hardy


1 選D

“I wandered lonely as a cloud” 的作者是William Wordsworth; “Kubla Khan” 的作者是 Samuel Taylor Coleridge; “Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage” 的作者是 George Gordon Byron.《西風頌》(Ode to the west wind)是 Percy Bysshe Shelley(雪萊)的代表作,他的文論着作有《詩辯》(A Defense of Poetry。

2 選D

William Wordsworth, Percy Bysshe Shelley, George Gordon Byron都是19世紀浪漫派詩人的代表人物, John Donne 則是17世紀玄學派詩人的代表。

3 選D

Charles Dickens(查爾斯.狄更斯)是19世紀英國著名的現實主義小說家,代表作有Oliver Twist(《霧都孤兒》), David Copperfield(《大衛.科波菲爾》),A Tale of Two Cities(《雙城記》),Great Expectations(《遠大前程》)等。 Heart of Darkness(《黑暗心靈》)爲Joseph Conrad 的小說。

4 選B

“A Red, Red Rose” 一朵紅紅的玫瑰是英國蘇格蘭著名的農民詩人Robert Burns(羅伯特.彭斯)根據蘇格蘭民謠創作的'一首膾炙人口的愛情詩篇,彭斯在仔細研究蘇格蘭民謠的基礎上創作了大量抒情詩,如《我心在高原》(My Heart’s in the Highlands),《一朵紅紅的玫瑰》(A Red, Red Rose),《約翰.安德生,我的愛人》(John Anderson, My Jo),《昔日時光》(Auld Lang Sygn)。

5 選D

Charles Dickens(查爾斯.狄更斯)是19世紀英國著名的現實主義小說家,代表作有Oliver Twist(《霧都孤兒》), David Copperfield(《大衛.科波菲爾》),A Tale of Two Cities(《雙城記》),Great Expectations(《遠大前程》)等。 Pip是Great Expectations(《遠大前程》)中的主人公,該作品是一部成長小說,採用第一人稱敘述,展現了主人公匹普(Pip)的成長過程。

6 選B

《理智與情感》(Sense and Sensibility),原名爲《埃莉諾與瑪麗安娜》(Elinor and Marriane),《曼斯菲爾德莊園》(Mansfield Park),《諾桑覺寺》(Northanger Abbey),《愛瑪》(Emma)等。

7 選D

“To be or not to be---that is the question” 選自《哈姆雷特》(Hamlet)第三幕第一場,是《哈姆雷特》中最膾炙人口的獨白之一。

8 選A

受戲劇創作的影響,Robert Browning 善於在詩中運用dramatic monologue(“戲劇獨白”),“戲劇獨白”並非布朗寧首創,但“戲劇獨白”詩體卻是他對英國詩歌的一大貢獻。 “My last Duchess” 是布朗寧“戲劇獨白”詩中很有代表性的一首,詩歌語言口語化,夾敘夾議,通過公爵以個人的獨白揭示其心理活動。

9 選A

哈代的小說是維多利亞時期的作品,其最具地方色彩的作品就是人們常說的“性格與環境小說”,其中包括:《還鄉》(The Return of the Native), 《德伯家的苔絲》(Tess of the D’Urbervilles),《無名的裘德》(Jude the Obscure),《卡斯特橋市長》(Mayor of the Casterbridge)等。

10 選D

哈代的小說中,大多數是以一個名爲Wessex(威塞克斯)的鄉村爲場景的,實際上這個地方就是哈代既愛又恨的家鄉。Wessex因此揚名天下,以致於人們常常把哈代以這一地區爲場景,描述資本主義發展過程中農村地區漸受資本主義擴張影響的作品稱爲“Wessex novels”(威塞克斯小說)。