


youth hostel


n. 青春(時期);初期;青年們

The Flight of Youth

青春飛逝 My youth and youthful strength fled long ago.

我的`青春和青春的活力早已消失。The youth has plenty of go in him.

這個年輕人幹勁十足。You should consider his youth.

你應體諒他的年輕。 a nation in its youth

建國初期 hostel是什麼意思:

n. 大學宿舍;招待所

We found a happy crew of foreign students in the hostel.

我們在青年招待所看到一羣快樂的外國留學生。'What a dump!' Christabel said, standing in the doorway of the youth hostel.

“真夠髒亂的!”克麗絲特布爾站在青年旅社的門口說道。 female student hostels, almost became the eonian forbidden zone for boys;

路旁的女生樓,對男生來說,幾乎成爲永遠的禁區;Can we just drive around before we check into a hostel?

在我們到青年旅社登記住宿前,我們可不可以開着車轉一轉呢?Go straight down to this Y.W.C.A. hostel and fetch her home!
