



A: Ronnie told me his teacher beats the students and steals their lunches.

B: You believed that? Don’t you know he is the biggest story-teller in the world?

A: Ronnie告訴我說他的老師毆打學生而且偷吃他們的午餐。

B: 這你也信?你難道不知道他是全世界最能信口雌黃的人嗎?


A: Jack is such a great boyfriend!

B: Jack? You are going out with Jack? Be careful; he is a wolf in sheep’s clothing! He acts nice, but he will break your heart without feeling bad at all.

A: Jack是個多棒的男朋友啊!

B: Jack?你正和他約會嗎?當心點吧,他可是隻披着羊皮的狼!他現在對你好,但是有一天他會傷透你的心,而絲毫不會覺得難過。


story-teller: 說書人。口語中常用來形容信口胡說的人。

a wolf in sheep’s clothing: 披着羊皮的狼。形容某人給人的印象是體面的、誠實守信的、遵紀守法的,但實際上,本質和這些表象完全相反。clothing,衣着,這裏指羊皮。