




an inexorable will

不可動搖的意志Strong will,belief, determination

堅強的意志、信念、決心Eleanor was brusque and firm and businesslike.

埃莉諾態度粗暴,意志堅定、辦事認真。He represented a people who had prevailed by unremitting tenacity.

他代表一個以堅韌不拔的意志取勝的民族。Occupation does not give them the right to impose their will on the Iranian people.

佔領軍沒有權力將他們的.意志強加於伊朗人民。A figure of speech, of course, but a woman weeping seven days and nights erodes the will.

當然,這只不過是說說,可是一個女人哭上七天七夜,不由你意志不受腐蝕。Then doubts and fears did assail the very strongest.

那時,疑惑和恐懼的確困擾過意志最堅強的人。To the libertarian and the hard-determinist, such a distinction is unintelligible

對意志自由論者和剛性決定論者來說,這樣的區別是難以理解的。…a religion in which sexual love was regarded as at its best a frailty and at its worst damnation

在那種宗教裏,兩性之愛,往頂好裏說,是一種意志不堅強的表現,往頂壞裏說,就是一種應該下地獄的罪過。I know that sounds tough, but as I said, if you're not tough inside, the world will always push you around anyway.


v. 用意志力使;遺贈;意欲,決心要

n. 意志;目的;意願;決心;意圖;遺囑;威爾(男子名)