
You could go to Shanghai by train. 你可以乘火車去上海


A: You could go to Shanghai by train.

A: 你可以乘火車去上海。

B: I like travelling by train. It's more interesting.

B: 我喜歡乘火車旅行。乘火車更有趣

A: Well, if you have time, you should consider it.

A: 哦,如果你有時間的.話,應該考慮乘火車。

B: How long does it take?

B: 乘火車需要多長時間?

A: You can catch the overnight train. It takes about 12 hours.

A: 你可以乘夜車。需要12個小時。

B: I'll think about it. Maybe I will take the train.

B: 我會考慮的。也許我會乘火車去。