


ad rem

close to home


hit the nail on the head

in point


to the point


Poignant suggestions.

中肯的建議To the purpose; to the point

合乎目的;切題;中肯He will speak to a point that is pertinent, and not travel out of the record

他的.發言將會很中肯,而不會扯到題外。To hit the nail on the head

(敲釘子敲在釘頭上,引申爲話說得中肯、正中要害、一針見血)。This is a relevant question.

這是一箇中肯的問題。His self criticism was beside the point.

他的自我批評不中肯。She makes several pertinent remarks.

她說了幾句中肯的話。 This was an uncritical survey.

這是一個不中肯的概括。She wished to hear her sister's unbiased opinion.

她想聽取妹妹的中肯意見。If the counsel be good no matter who gave it


(pl. rem)(=roentgen equivalent man)雷姆, 人體倫琴當量

In the first place, an American court is often enabled or compelled to adjudicate wholly foreign cases by virtue of a “transient” service of process, or by virtue of an in rem or quasi in rem jurisdiction that is based merely on a fictious situs.

首先,一個美國法院經常能夠甚至必須對純屬外國案件作出判決;這種判決是完全依據屬地送達法律令狀的“過境的”屬人管轄權或者是完全依據假定情況的對物或類似對物訴訟管轄權。 close是什麼意思:

v. 關閉;封閉;結束,結清;使靠攏,使癒合

adj. 接近的;親密的;緊密的;嚴密的;不透氣的;勢均力敵的

adv. 接近;緊密地

n. 結束;終止

close unchanged

收盤時股價 Wright was close.

懷特是個吝嗇的人。 The wound has closed.


n. 家,住宅;家庭,家庭生活;家鄉;避難所;產地

adj. 家庭的;家用的;國內的;本地的

adv. 在家;回家;深入地

v. 回家;把...送回家;爲...提供住處

They are rowing home.

他們正划船回家。You will find our dorm a home from home.

你將會覺得在我們宿舍就像呆在家一樣舒適。Homing pigeons are bred for their ability to race home.
