



當我看到報導時, 我禁不住久久凝視着他倒地的照片. 只見他靜靜地撲在地上, 頭頂上流出汩汩的鮮血, 在地上流出一片江河. 在他身邊, 錢包, 手機還有眼鏡散落一地. 警察見到倒地的周克華一動不動以後, 仍然不敢立即上前抓捕, 而是帶着驚懼, 謹慎地舉着槍, 躡手躡腳地向他移步, 生怕眼前這個倒地的殺人惡魔會突然站立, 展開一場肆意掃射. 要知道, 他們眼前的這個人曾經天不怕地不怕, 搶錢殺人如履平地, 沒有絲毫的顧慮, 連眼皮也可能不用眨一下.

然而, 如果說周克華的冷血殺人令人震驚, 那麼他的女朋友則更令人驚歎得大跌眼鏡. 周克華的女友是他在南京作案後逃往重慶時認識的. 當時他在南京劫殺司機並且搶走20萬元, 倉惶逃往重慶. 在重慶的一個洗頭房裏, 他認識了現在的女友, 一個90後今年剛滿20歲的小女生. 然而這個小女生年紀雖小, 可是膽量比起周克華, 可謂是有過之而無不及, 令人驚歎! 42歲的周克華對她可謂是百依百順, 絕對稱得上是一個好男人. 剛認識不久, 她便可以讓周克華乖乖地把在南京搶來的20萬存到她的賬戶上, 而且從此以後, 周克華搶劫殺人得來的大部分錢財, 也都落到她的手裏. 周克華早年與前妻離了婚, 後來遇到現在這位女友. 也不知道這位女友如何施展她的魅力和手段, 已過中年的周克華已經很早就把她當成是紅顏知己, 不僅對她百依百順, 而且言聽計從! 他把自己歷年來的 “壯舉” 如數家珍般地對她細述, 而她聽了則如同看電視劇一般, 絲毫沒有想到任何的震驚和恐懼, 更沒有勸說男友回頭是岸, 儘早自首, 而是對她的男朋友表現出前所未有的崇拜! 這讓周克華感到無比的自豪.

愛情的滋潤讓周克華對作案更加富有 “激情”. 於是, 他更加瘋狂地作案, 而且每次作案前, 必定和他的女友討論路線和計劃, 他的女友儼然成了他的 “軍師”! 這讓寂寞多年的周克華感到欣喜不已, 因爲他真切地感到自己真的找到紅顏知己了. 然而他做夢也沒有想到, 正是這位紅顏知已, 不僅讓他的罪惡加深, 更讓他加速了在不歸路上的行程. 最後一次作案, 也就是今年8月10號重慶搶劫案後, 周克華把搶來的錢悉數交給女友, 可是這位貪財的女友卻謾罵起他來: “新聞裏說你搶了一大筆錢, 你怎麼只給我幾萬?” 作案後, 周克華只用電話卡通過公共電話與家人聯繫, 而周克華以前也從來不用手機. 然而, 爲了與癡情女友保持緊密聯繫, 他居然特地買了一部手機. 而正是這部手機, 讓警方快速搜索到他的位置, 最後才上演了本文開頭提到的照片的那一幕.

看着周克華緊閉的雙眼和平靜的面容, 我在思考着, 他在臨死的那一瞬間究竟在想些什麼? 在想家人? 想他那可愛的兒子? 還是在想他那位懂他了解他並且可以充當他軍師的紅顏知己? 可是, 他大概到死也不會知道, 他的愛情讓他的生命在絕路上越走越遠, 讓一向自詡不怕警方追捕的他落網, 也讓他最後中槍倒斃. 他把愛情當作是生命的甜露, 殊不知那是劇毒的毒液, 毀掉他最後的良知和人生. 一個真正愛你的人是在你走向迷途歪路時可以清醒地勸你回頭是岸並且想方設法拉你回正軌的人, 而不是爲了錢財而愚昧盲目地支持你的一切所作所爲. 尤其是在人生的大是大非的風口浪尖上, 你的愛人對你未來人生所起的作用可能是舉足輕重的. 愛上一個自私自利並且不懂得爲你着想的人, 你的人生註定是一場悲劇, 就像周克華一樣.


Motorola Set for Big Cuts as Google Reinvents It


— Motorola Mobility, the ailing cellphone maker that Google bought in May, told employees Sunday that it would lay off 20 percent of its work force and close a third of its 94 offices worldwide.

摩托羅拉移動公司,五月份在境況不佳的情況下被谷歌收購,並通知其員工將解僱20%的勞動力和在全球的94 個辦事處內撤掉1/3 。

The cuts are the first step in Google’s plan to reinvent Motorola, which has fallen far behind its biggest competitors, Apple and Samsung, and to shore up its Android mobile business and expand beyond search and software into the manufacture of hardware.


The turnaround effort will also be a referendum on the management of Larry Page, Google’s chief executive, whose boldest move has been the $12.5 billion acquisition.

這次恢復性的努力將是人們對谷歌首席執行官,拉里佩奇在管理能力上的評價標準。因爲他花了125 億美元來收購摩托羅拉.

Though Google bought Motorola partly because of its more than 17,000 patents, which can help defend against challenges to the Android operating system, it also planned to use Motorola to make its own, better smartphones and tablets.

儘管谷歌購買摩托羅拉的部分原因是由於摩托羅拉本身就有17,000 個可以與安卓運行系統抗衡的專利,谷歌還是希望摩托羅拉能夠研製出自己品牌的智能機和平版電腦。

One-third of the 4,000 jobs lost will be in the United States. The company plans to leave unprofitable markets, stop making low-end devices and focus on a few cellphones instead of dozens, said Dennis Woodside, Motorola’s new chief executive, in a rare interview.

摩托羅拉的新任首席執行官,伍德賽德在一個難得的採訪中提到此次的裁員將會在美國地區解僱4,000 個員工。同時摩托羅拉將撤出那些零盈利的地區,也將停止生產那些低端的產品,從而把注意力集中在質而不是量上。

“We’re excited about the smartphone business,” said Mr. Woodside, who previously led Google’s sales and operations for the Americas.

“我們也熱衷於智能機的市場,” 先前負責谷歌的銷售和美國運營地區的伍德賽德表示。

“The Google business is built on a wired model, and as the world moves to a pretty much completely wireless model over time, it’s really going to be important for Google to understand everything about the mobile consumer.”


But some analysts wonder whether Google can succeed in the brutally competitive, low-margin cellphone business.


“Ninety percent of the profits in the smartphone space are going to Apple and Samsung, and everyone else from Motorola to RIM to LG to Nokia are picking up the scraps of that 10 percent,” said Charlie Kindel, a former manager at Microsoft who writes about the mobile industry. “There’s no real sign that’s changing anytime soon.”

“智能機市場的利潤百分之九十都給蘋果和三星公司給佔據了,而摩托羅拉,黑莓,LG和諾基亞僅僅佔了零零碎碎百分之十的市場。”撰寫現代移動產業的微軟前任經理查裏肯特表示, “到目前爲止,我們還沒有發現格局改變的跡象。”

It was not always this way. Motorola executives like to talk about its glory days. The company, started in 1928 in Chicago, unveiled the first commercial cellphone in 1973. By 2004, it looked as if Motorola could again lead the cellphone industry when it introduced the popular Razr.

情況似乎並不完全如此。摩托羅拉的執行官們很喜歡談論他們以前那些光榮的日子。摩托羅拉公司1928 年成立於美國芝加哥,1973 年首次推出其商務機。2004 年,當摩托羅拉推出其備受歡迎的Razr 機型再次成爲手機產業的領軍者。

But Apple and Samsung won consumers’ hearts with the more exciting iPhone and Galaxy phones. Motorola Mobility — which split last year from Motorola Solutions, the division that makes devices like police radios — lost $233 million in its first six weeks under Google. The phone business has been unprofitable for 14 of the last 16 quarters.,

蘋果公司公司的I phone 和三星公司銀河系列手機吸引消費者的眼球,而摩托羅拉的鋒芒從去年的摩托羅拉解決方案推出以來慢慢失色了不少,因爲在其生產警察監控設備的版塊在與谷歌公司競爭的前六季度損失了2.33 億美元。而手機版塊在過去的16 個季度中有14 個季度是沒有盈利的。

“It got left in the dust by the competition and kind of missed the smartphone transition,” said Charles S. Golvin, a mobile analyst at Forrester Research.

摩托羅拉公司在競爭中迷失了自己,也很遺憾的錯過了智能機的轉換期。福斯特研究公司的一個名叫Charles S. Golvin手機分析師說。

In addition to the coming cuts, Google has gutted Motorola management, letting go 40 percent of its vice presidents. It also hired new senior executives. It will shrink operations in Asia and India, and center research and development in Chicago, Sunnyvale and Beijing.


Mr. Woodside also plans to cut the number of devices Motorola makes from the 27 it introduced last year to just a few. He wants to make the company’s products cool again by loading them with things like sensors that recognize who is in a room based on their voices, cameras that take crisper photos and batteries that last for days.

伍德賽德先生也準備減少生產去年原本打算的27 類產品,只留爲數不多的幾個。他希望通過這樣改革來研製出流行並受歡迎的產品,例如在手機裏安裝一個可以下載聲控的軟件。在相機的研發中能使得拍出栩栩如生的照片和延長電池的使用時間。

Many of these new ideas will come from a group of just a few dozen people within the company that has the unassuming name of Advanced Technology and Projects.


To foster innovation, Google created the group to drop a Silicon Valley-style start-up into a lumbering Midwestern company and recruited Regina Dugan from the Pentagon’s Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, or Darpa, to run it.


Ms. Dugan, though coming from Washington, already speaks the language of Silicon Valley. “It’s a small, lean and agile group that is unafraid of failure,” she said, and it will “celebrate impatience.”

杜根小姐儘管出生於華盛頓,但她已經能說出流利的硅谷方言。這是一支雖小但是卻努力, 敏銳並且不畏懼失敗的隊伍,創新將考驗他們的耐心。

She is hiring metal scientists, acoustics engineers and artificial intelligence experts. They will work for her for only two years so they feel a sense of urgency, she said, an idea she borrowed from Darpa, where people wear their resignation date on their name tags.


Motorola has been spending too much money on too many different cellphone components, said Mark Randall, whom Google recruited to run Motorola’s supply chain from , where he did that for the Kindle. He said he planned to jettison suppliers and buy 50 percent fewer components.

摩托羅拉先前在諸多部件的研發上花費太多的`成本了,一位名叫Mark Randall 被谷歌公司應聘來負責供應鏈的人士表示,他先前在亞馬遜公司負責閱讀器產品的。他計劃終止和很多供應商的合作,來購買更少零部件。

How to get people excited about Motorola phones when shiny iPhones are on the next shelf?


Gary Briggs, who ran consumer marketing at Google and now does so at Motorola, is working on advertisements that he said would be more like Google’s — simple and emotional. They will focus on Motorola’s storied past and the ways the products are better than the competition’s, like battery life.


熱詞學習:奧運"藥檢" Doping Test




The International Olympic Committee has formally excluded Albanian weight lifter Hysen Pulaku from the London Olympics after he failed a doping test.


上文中的doping test就是體育比賽前進行的“XX檢查”,簡稱“藥檢”。Doping指the use of performance-enhancing drugs in sport(在體育運動中服用能夠提升比賽成績的藥物),是有違sports ethics(體育倫理)的行爲。

如果說“某人藥檢呈陽性”就是someone tested positive in doping test,“因涉嫌服用違禁藥物被開除出隊伍”則是be dropped from his team over doping suspicions。



E. chromi is a collaboration between designers and scientists inthe new field of synthetic biology. In 2009, seven CambridgeUniversity undergraduates spent the summer genetically engineering bacteria to secrete a variety of coloured pigments, visible to the naked eye. They designed standardised sequences of DNA, known asBioBricks, and ed them into E. coli bacteria。

Each BioBrick part contains genes selected from existing organisms spanning the living kingdoms, enabling the bacteria to produce a colour: red, yellow, green, blue, brown orviolet. By combining these with other BioBricks, bacteria could beprogrammed to do useful things, such as indicate whether drinkingwater is safe by turning red if they sense a toxin. E. chromi wonthe Grand Prize at the 2009 International Genetically EngineeredMachine Competition (iGEM)。


Designers Alexandra Daisy Ginsberg and James King worked with theteam to explore the potential of this new technology, while it wasbeing developed in the lab. They designed a timeline proposing waysthat a foundational technology such as E. chromi could develop over the next century. These scenarios include food additives, patentingissues, personalised medicine, terrorism and new types of necessarily desirable, they explore the different agendas thatcould shape the use of E. chromi and in turn, our everyday collaboration has meant that E. chromi is a technology thathas been designed at both the genetic and the human scale, settinga precedent for future collaborations between designers andscientists。


關注社會:立頓袋泡茶被爆含農藥 雙語

Environmental advocacy group Greenpeace said on Tuesday that an investigation it had conducted found tea bags sold in China by Unilever's Lipton brand contained unsafe levels of pesticide residue, though Unilever said the product was safe and to standard.


Greenpeace said in a statement that in March it randomly purchased several boxes of Lipton tea bags sold in two Beijing stores and sent them to an independent laboratory for pesticide residue testing. "The testing found that all four Lipton samples contained pesticides that exceeded the EU's maximum levels of residue, while three samples contained pesticides unapproved by the EU," the group said. "Some of the detected pesticides are also banned for use in tea production by the Chinese Ministry of Agriculture." Greenpeace named one of the pesticides it found as the insecticide Bifenthrin, which is banned in the European Union.


Unilever said in a statement posted on its official Chinese microblogging account and confirmed by a company spokesman that all its Lipton tea products were safe. "As a responsible multinational company, Unilever China has all along upheld high quality and the protection of consumers' rights. All the Lipton tea products we make are completely in line with national standards on pesticide residue, and are safe and up-to-standard goods," the company wrote.


影視佳句 經典臺詞 《愛情與靈藥》

<P 影視佳句,分享美麗人生,分享美麗心情。<P 大家好,歡迎來到今天的影視佳句,<P 在這裏我們一起分享那些有趣的表達,或者是美麗的句子哦。<P 今天的影視佳句來自《愛情與靈藥》<P <P You meet thousands of people, but none of them really touch you, and then you meet one person, and your life is changed forever.


China Halts Sale of Some Drugs 中國停售13種鉻超標膠囊藥物

China's drug regulator suspended the sale of 13 drugs using capsules allegedly made with excessive chromium levels, highlighting China's continued battle with food and drug safety.

Analysts say the move also underlines increasing price pressures on China's drug manufacturers amid a government health-care overhaul.

The State Food and Drug Administration said Sunday it asked local authorities in China to inspect drug-capsule manufacturers in their provinces. The statement named the 13 drugs under suspension, including 11 Chinese traditional herbal remedies and two antibiotics. All were made by Chinese pharmaceutical companies that bought the capsules from small manufacturers in Zhejiang province.

State-run China Central Television network reported Sunday that the drug capsules had been made from industrial gelatin, which contains more of the chemical chromium than edible gelatin. Chromium can be carcinogenic with frequent exposure, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

State media reported that the chromium came from scraps of leather from manufacturers -- which contain the chemical as part of the tanning process -- used as a raw material. The state-run Xinhua news agency said police detained 22 people who allegedly produced and sold the capsules.

China is a major maker and exporter of drugs, but pharmaceutical analysts say it is unlikely the capsules have gone beyond China's borders. A spokeswoman said representatives from the China-based office of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration were unavailable to comment Monday.

Food and drug safety remain major issues in China, where food scandals -- often driven by economic motives -- frequently appear in the news. The government often launches campaigns to safeguard consumers by cracking down on harmful chemicals added to food, yet oversight remains a problem.

While the majority of the nation's drug capsules are made in Zhejiang province, most multinational companies have tight sourcing restrictions and heavily monitor the manufacturers with whom they work, said James Huang, a China-based managing partner at venture capital firm Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers whose expertise is life sciences. He added that capsules are used more often in China, while U.S. consumers typically use tablets.

Pfizer Inc., one of the numerous pharmaceutical companies that produces drugs in China, hasn't been affected, a spokeswoman said. Pfizer sources its capsules from a supplier in another province. 'We have in place, a rigorous quality system,' the spokeswoman said.

Analysts say China's drug manufacturers are facing increasing price pressures. The central government, which overhauled the country's health-care system over the past three years and extended national insurance to 95% of the population, has encouraged provincial governments to cut prices of so-called essential drugs, which include Chinese traditional medicines and antibiotics.

The vice governor of one of China's poorest provinces, Anhui, was promoted in 2010 to vice director of the National Development and Reform Commission after cutting drug costs by 30%. The administrator was credited with creating a bidding system in which drug companies win hospital and pharmaceutical contracts by promising quality drugs at the lowest prices.

Since then, 16 other provinces have created similar bidding systems, said Jason Mann, a Hong Kong-based analyst for Barclays. 'The lowest-price-wins model has set up a system in which manufacturers cannot profit,' Mr. Mann said. 'Many feel as though they have to cut corners on quality.'

He said there is also cost pressure due to the country's once-a-decade leadership transition, which starts in the fall. Many politicians, looking to curry favor with Beijing, have pushed harder for low prices. A pitch for quality will likely return later in the year, after party meetings set the future roster of leaders.

Several websites of the drug companies that face suspensions were apparently overtaken on Monday by hackers, who posted phrases such as, 'Chinese people are cheating themselves.'

Laurie Burkitt


Associated Press週一,一名藥品安全執法人員在青島檢查膠囊藥物。分析人士說,此舉還凸顯出由於政府着手進行醫療改革,中國藥品製造商揹負的價格壓力日益加大。


中國國有電視臺中央電視臺(CCTV)週日報道說,這些藥用空心膠囊由工業明膠製成,工業明膠的鉻含量高於可食用明膠。美國疾病控制與預防中心(U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)稱,經常與含鉻物質接觸可致癌。

Xinhua/Zuma Press浙江一家藥用膠囊生產商工廠中的桶。該廠被懷疑使用工業明膠。中國國家媒體報道說,工業明膠中的鉻元素來自制革廠的皮革下腳料,製革廠在鞣製皮革時要使用含有鉻的化學制劑。中國官方通訊社新華社報道說,警方已拘捕了涉嫌生產和售賣這種膠囊的涉案人員22名。

中國是世界上藥品生產大國和出口大國,但製藥行業的分析師說,這種藥用膠囊不太可能流至國外。美國食品和藥物管理局(U.S. Food and Drug Administration)發言人說,該局中國辦事處的代表週一無法做出評論。


風險投資公司Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers駐中國主管合夥人、主要從事生命科學的黃瑞晉(James Huang)說,中國大部分藥物所使用的膠囊都是浙江省生產的,大多數跨國公司都對貨源有着嚴格的限制,並嚴格監督與其有合作關係的生產商。他還說,在中國常常使用膠囊,而美國消費者則常常使用片劑。

輝瑞製藥有限公司(Pfizer Inc.)發言人說,該公司尚未受到影響。該公司是衆多在華生產藥物的製藥公司之一。輝瑞公司使用的膠囊來自另外一個省份的一家供貨商。該發言人說,我們有嚴格的質量控制體系。



巴克萊(Barclays)駐香港分析師曼(Jason Mann)說,此後,另有16個省份建立了類似的競價採購體系。曼說,低價中標的做法形成了一種生產商難以盈利的體系,很多公司感覺必須在質量上打折扣。

