


every man Jack, every Jack one 每個人、人人

Jack of all trades and master of none 萬事皆通而一無所長的人

a Jack on both sides 模棱兩可,兩面派

Jack at a pinch 臨時拉來幫忙的`人

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. 諺語:只工作不玩,聰明的孩子也會變傻。

All shall be well, Jack shall have Jill. 諺:有情人終成着屬。

Jack among the maids 討好女人的男子

Jack would be a gentleman if he had money. 諺語:低微的人有錢也會成爲紳士。

Jack is as good as his master. 諺:夥計不比老闆差,卑賤者未必不如高貴者。

Jack in the water 碼頭打雜工

cheep Jack 賣廉價貨物的小販

a Jack in office 自命不凡的小官吏,官僚

Jack the lad (青少年幫派中的)頭號人物


Yellow Jack 醫學上的“黃熱病”

the Union Jack 英聯合王國國旗

Jacks are common to all that will play.


a Jack of straw 稻草人

to make one's Jack 賺很多錢