



Senior Course of Purchasing-Supply Negotiation skills


Chinese Zong-Heng and West Win-Win Skills and Practice

【時間地點】:20xx年3月22-23日*上海 4月19-20日*上海【培訓費用】:2980元/人(含授課費、資料費、會務費、午餐費)

【培訓對象】:採購總監、採購經理、採購主管、採購員、銷售經理、合同經理、總經理等。 【聯繫電話】: 010-85309126 15801677500 劉洋 郵箱beijing_ 博客:【主辦單位】: 北京鼎新英華管理顧問有限公司



Through 2 days study, you will learn and understand more about the below negotiation skills and technologies:


把握談判的主動權,有效地準備、進行和控制談判流程; 瞭解自己的做事風格和談判水平;

深入理解人性、各國文化和特點,因人施談; 瞭解有效交流的實質並掌握溝通的兩大核心技巧; 洞悉談判機理、談判悖論以及談判心理學;

徹底搞明白立場與利益的關係;知道到底是誰更重要; 中國式談判的縱橫陰陽之術及技巧; 西方式談判的雙贏談判戰術及技巧;


??Learn 8 negotiation system and key points

??How to drive and prepare the negotiation, and then to control the negotiation process ??Learn more about your negotiation styles and levels more deeply ??Lean the human nature, different cultures and characteristic ??Learn how to communicate and the two core skills ??Learn the negotiation psychologically more deeply

??Understand the position and the benefit and which one is more important ??Chinese negotiation skills such as “Zhong-Heng and Yin-Yang”; ??West-American negotiation skills such as the “Win-Win” ??Be more wise and intelligent in negotiation


? The trainer will evaluate each team member performance and provide the related skills need to be improved face to face,

it is very constructive and precious!.