學個詞Learn a Word第1573期:foolproof

  學個詞Learn a Word第1573期:foolproof


學個詞Learn a Word第1573期:foolproof

Social networks whose target audience is kids, acknowledge that there may be no foolproof way to block online predators. 那些以兒童爲主要消費者的社交網站承認,能完全阻止網絡人身侵害的方法也許並不存在。

As governor of Massachusetts, Mitt Romney once proposed a foolproof death penalty law that guaranteed only the guilty could be executed. 美國共和黨總統候選人米特·羅姆尼在當麻州州長時曾提起一項死刑法,據說可以萬無一失地確保只有真正犯罪的人才被處決。
